Junk Yard Theme ParkWhy Do We Do What We Do

It’s the first full day of life after a time change.
You know what I’m talking about.
Somewhere in our past, someone decided.
It’s okay to ruin Sunday. Go figure.

Yesterday was the worst ruined Sunday I remember.
The dogs barked, I couldn’t sleep, and I was not finished with my sermon
And then we have a work day after service is over.
I was so tired and felt Sunday was certainly ruined!

Thought: It’s only ruined if you let it be ruined.

Time change happens on the first day of our weekly calendar.
Let’s start the week out right. Ruined? Depends on your perspective.
When I was a young programmer, it took a lot of code
To adapt results for the time change and leap year.

At least the year only adjusts 1 in 4
Time adjusts 2 in 1
Twice a year, we decide to go ahead
Or go back. It’s like we cannot make up our minds.

Leap Year? We always add a day—Insert February 29th.
Why? We accept a less-than-perfect year every other year.
But we’ll make it up every four years… add a day.
But time change is twice a year – an un-made up mind.

Why do we struggle with putting things back where they belong?
Are we always content with a little disheveled mess?
Do we have to start over if we make a mistake?
Can we settle our differences and be kind people at the same time?

This morning, I thought about how we are good at adapting.
When you don’t get the gift you want, buy it yourself.
Quit expecting you’ll get what you want
And take care of your own needs.

Song Break: I did it my way…

Why ask someone else to fix your problems
When you are smart enough to do it yourself.
If you are busy or inept, then pay someone!
I’d much rather pay for an oil change these days.

Commercial Break: It’s your money. Spend it how you want to.

Make good decisions, do it yourself, or get someone to do it.
But no matter what, be willing to compensate them for their time.
I never understood how people could be so cheap when it comes to paying,
But they would never consider working for less than they think they are worth.

Why do we do life this way?
I want to improve my life, so I started treating myself to better experiences.
It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy.
A quiet drive down a country road, exploring something I’ve never seen.

I listened to a comedian short reel this morning – Tim Hawkins.
His kids were crying after a day spent at Six Flags
Their friends got to spend a week at Disney World.
“Hmm. I should take them to a Third World for a dose of reality.”

Happy! Blessed. Even though the experience may be quirky.
Content to enjoy what life presents.
Paul said in whatever state he was in – Content! (Philippians 4:9)
I’m not in this life to expect perfection,
But I want to be as perfect as possible.
At least good enough to be content.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!