To be transparent doesn’t mean you reveal all.
It simply means you are not hiding who or what you are.
I want to be the best “me” that “me” knows how.
To do that, I must maintain transparency from my thoughts to words to actions.

Don’t you get tired of being something you are not? You don’t have to live up to an image of what you think others want you to be.

Be real! Transparent. Become the image you present by being real.

I’m tired of costumes. Fashions. Or expecting you to put on the ritz. Too much of this world does not help us understand transparency. From business attire to glitz and glamour, there’s a level of life I’m betting many would much rather be. But they put on an image to sell you on something you’re not.

Be careful that the transparent “you” support what you want to become. My eyes are set on a destination, and I’m striving to become what that place encourages me to be.

That’s being transparent.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

One thought on “Transparency”
  1. Transparency = Authority
    When you are who God has made you to be and nothing more, everything you do and say reflects to Him and not yourself. That is authority, because you’re filling the space God has made for you, never have to pretend, stretch the truth, be boastful or ashamed. The authority comes in the power of knowing you are not your own but his, your head held high, your words are not minced to gain favor, nothing to hide but everything to share.

    Good morning Pastor

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