Change Sign on a doorDon't Change Nothing

English aficionados will smirk and say, “That means to change everything.” Good! You got it. That’s what I wanted to say.

Change the way you think,
And you will change the way you do.
Change the way you do
And you could get more done.

Life is nothing if it’s not constantly changing
What do we like, want, need, or desire
Everyday? We change. All the time.
But then we say we don’t like change.

Hmmm… How can that be?

Exchange is change. So is interchange.
Change the order of letters, take one away, or add.
Words are constantly adapting to the needs
Well. That’s change.

Every breath I take exchanges carbon dioxide
With a fresh lung full of air that can exist.
Blood enters the lungs to unload what’s not needed
And picks up what the body yearns for.

Isn’t that a change?

The body’s largest organ is said to be our skin
And every day, we lose and add layers.
Isn’t that a change? Constantly growing new skin?
Well, that is a welcome change.

This morning, I was thinking about how we need to change; some are resistant, and others welcome it, but the truth s we are constantly changing!

Our language changes. Try to read a KJV from 1611, the first English translation, and you’ll be surprised how difficult it is. Printing presses improved, language modernized, and viola! You have many easy-to-read translations that help you understand God’s Word. Well, maybe. It seems too many modern translations have changed many meanings, and that change is not good!

But there is something that does not change.

God is immutable and never changes, and he tells you that in the last book of the Old Testament. (Malachai 3:6)

But I’ve stated this recently, and we are not so that we can change.

As the year progresses, we will see things that need changing and step up to the task. But there will be many things that should change. We’ll hold off for another time. Why? That’s part of the problem. We don’t like change, but we do. It’s not time to change. But it is. Change is needed on many fronts, and there’s no time like the present to foster a changing environment.

I’m doing it. You just don’t know it. But one day, you’ll understand, “Hey! You’ve changed!”

Thank you very much.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!