Seasonal. Affective. Disorder.
Never had it. Don’t understand it.
Nor do I underestimate its influence.
Some can handle the dark winter.
Others can’t.

Since I’m a cold climate personality
You take what the season of cold presents.
Yes… 50+ below zero, I have been.
But in the summer? 100+ degrees above zero.
At the same spot! You do the math.
Give me the cold.
You take the heat.

It is said that Seasonal Affective Disorder
Is the disease when you are closed in to cold
Snow and Dark are your enemies.
But I learned to be careful and still get up and go.
Just be smart about it. No SAD in my court!

Don’t get me wrong.
I love trees, grass, and barefoot temps.
But I don’t want the heat.
We keep the house at about 64…year round.
When it’s really cold outside, this feels hot.
When it’s really hot outside, this is just tolerable.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!