All InAll In!

Sometimes we know to give it our all, and other times we choose not.
Today I feel like I’m all in, but my energy is shot by evening.
Yesterday I thought about today, but I didn’t feel like doing a thing.
I let the day slide and did the work I needed to but just as soon not,
And wriggled into the evening hours reach to hang out all quiet like.

There is a key to saying you’re all in this together and mean it.
It probably has something to do with your intention.
Energy wanes and blossoms. What’s my energy, attitude, and personality?
For some, it’s the morning, and for others, it’s the evening,
And for me, it’s whenever I feel I have it. Not before or after.

Some seem to draw from an unending supply of energy.
They commit, dedicate, produce and thrive with doing all the time.
It makes me wonder where their drive comes from, as it’s not normal.
Perhaps there are superpowers, bionic parts that need no revival.

But for me. Today. Right now. Not then, nor tomorrow.
Plug in the apparatus, pull on the trigger to ignite, and they operate.
Without quitting, backing up, stopping, or staggering.
Their gear is “all in” right now. That’s what I wish I could do in a snap!

Perhaps the key is understanding the physiological status of life.
Something is missing, not right, or out of kilter with the whole.
Perhaps the key is the fullness of the mind, unable to unload,
It clogs up the brain and keeps the body from working.

You cannot function if your blood chemistry is off.
How long ago did we figure this nugget of truth out?
How we function. Or not. Blood sustains life: Leviticus 17:14
Hmmm. That was 3,000 or so years ago!

As an engines cylinder fires and propels a vehicle’s direction,
So must our blood, energy, mind, spirit and will power fire at the right time
So we can all move with the attitude of, “All In!”
It’s more than chemistry of a single portion of our lives.
You don’t jump from a high dive position with a thought of leaving something behind!
It’s everything. Firing on time and in the right order. Let’s Get All In…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!