We’ve grown accustomed to steady access to the internet. Right? I remember the day I thought it would never happen that we would walk around the house on a WIFI network.

“Who needs it?”

I thought a hardwired connection would be the safest way. It’s like those days back in the advance of data storage. I had a boss who loved the company data stored on keypunch cards. (Circa 1979) “Stop! Let’s keep the cards!” “I’ll quit!” says I.

We had worked hard to make the transition to computer tapes, and soon, most of the main files would exist on harddrives and only backed up to tape.

Change happens. Today, my internet connection is so spotty I’m putting computing on hold. Fortunately, we have a new cell phone tower and I get a little bit of internet access through Verizon.

Ever wonder why they call it “cell” towers and phone? You’re in prison when you are in a cell, right?

Anyway, life on the farm is kind of laid back. Watch out! I’ll sing solo next!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!