The bane of many devices within our homes is the continued scaling (crusting) of pipes, connections, heating elements, and pour points. Treated water often has fewer problems than untreated well water coming directly into the home, but they do have other issues. Local water is sourced from rain, snow melt, and other sources but is often loaded with minerals unique to the terrain.

I live in the Ring of Fire, where earthquakes and volcanoes are known to exist.

My well is 25 feet from my garage,
continually making underground aquifers
available without much stress. Brrr! 44 Degrees!

Hence, the water is pumped from underground pools and “rivers” that contain microscopic particles that we filter at the source.

Whole House Water Filter

The filter costs about $20 and is replaced every 3-4 months. Depending on the condition of the water, this filter can eventually clog up the flow into the house. Unfiltered, you never notice the particles. But all water contains some particles, and if you live in a treated system, your water contains chemicals used to purify.

We are used to coffee filters and think nothing about what they do until a few grounds leak through. Why? We don’t want floaties! Air filters for our HVACs, engines, and auto interiors.

Even trying your best, you will never filter impurities are particles. When it comes to my water systems, you often descale the coffee pot. How? Even though there are three filters leading to the contraption, there are still minerals we get rid of from time to time.

How do we descale the mineral buildups?

Vinegar. From the original French word meaning “Sour Wine.” It’s an acid and is used in food prep all the time. It has valuable use in some dishes, but it can also descale my coffee maker! I run a few pots worth of vinegar through the maker, then run a few pots of clean water. Voila! Cleaned! Ready to use.

Life Needs To Be Descaled

Cleaning the edges of life, we need to protect ourselves from the source that flows into our lives. Heat the source, and the natural chemicals react, and eventually, our elements are not working as well as they could. There’s nothing wrong with the source. It’s natural. Normal. But it reacts to our processes, and eventually, we are less productive than we would like.

Life-giving flow is blocked from the cells and edges that need them. How? It depends. Every portion of life needs to be descaled, and every avenue has unique needs.

I’ve learned that clutter needs to be descaled, and that’s my toughest job. Also, I have too many irons in the fire, and I’ve learned to back away from some of them, even when I want to be involved. Relationships have a way of adding negative sources of existence.

Hacks to Descale Life

Descaling is how we do it, but I found these avenues of cleaning up my mental attitude that help me tremendously. Maybe they will work for you.

  1. Dopamine – The “feel good” neurotransmitter that drives your brain’s reward system. When you feel down or out of sorts, perhaps you need to find the source of your feelings and juice them up a little. How? Listen to upbeat music, eat a treat (preferably sweet), ensure you get a good night’s rest, and check a task off your to-do list.
  2. Endorphins – These are the brain’s natural painkillers. When they are active, you reduce stress and increase pleasure. How? Get some exercise. My favorite? Eat some dark chocolate. Watch/listen to some comedy routines. (I keep a funnel of favorites in my YouTube account.) For some, essential oils will help.
  3. Oxytocin – These are bonding hormones released when we feel connected to people. How? Enjoy your pets. Hug someone. Cook for someone you love. Physical connections are valued. Even in the C-19 world, handshakes are perfect!
  4. SerotoninMood Stabilizers! This helps you sleep and replace general anxiety, and increases happiness. How? Vitamin D! Sunshine! (Don’t forget the sunscreen.) Take a walk. Meditate. Get your heart working with some good ol’ cardio!

Never forget we are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139:14)

Finding Your Happy Place: I found the secret to happiness. Yep. It's scientific: Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin, and Serotonin. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalms 139:14) We're a happy people, yes we are! Click To Tweet

Care to Share your happy place and space?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!