The Way of Victory

What would you do if you were guaranteed a win?
Victory at the end, so why worry about the journey?
Is there nothing you wouldn’t try or a journey you’d never consider,
If at the end of everything you knew, the race you had won?

We are short-term-sighted because we are here so little.
We want the challenges to be minimal but the joys to be great.
Yet, over yonder, on the other side, victory is enjoyed
Without struggles, loss, pain, or suffering.

It’s not that I want to get there sooner rather than later.
The joy I experience here is mine for today, the here and now
And, of course, tomorrow, too. As I think about my goals.
I must stop worrying about failures, loss, sadness, or grief.

We don’t want to lose. We want to be a winner and be recognized.
Not just in the eyes of history but by those watching us now.
Maybe that’s the clincher of fear, as we worry about failure anew.
What it feels like to not succeed and lose momentum is noted.

A winner’s mindset, we know and hear it all the time.
They never quit unless it’s something worthwhile to stop.
Their focus is on the prize, and no distractions are found.
Goal accomplished, their attitude is recognized. Victory! We’re Here!

Maybe we learn to find victory in the small things
Those build-up to celebrations for everything
Because all victories are important
Great. Small. Or practically non-existent.

We are what we normalize, or so says a current pundit.
Cake and punch are not needed for every success.
No ribbons, certificates, or awards.
Can you feel it? Taste it? Recognize your momentum.

Use little victories as a foundation, brick by little brick.
And you will someday see the results of your recognition.
A winner, you’ve been, are, and will continue to be.
That’s the way to victory. That’s what victory feels like.

The Way of Victory: Use little victories as your foundation, brick by little brick. And you will someday see the results of your recognition. A winner, you've been, are, and will continue to be. That's the way to victory. That's what… Click To Tweet

This Morning

I woke this morning to feel the stresses of the past melting away, although there is much to be done, roads to travel, decisions to make, and feeling success at the coming turns.

A victory by a ball team,
awards and recognition,
and self-congratulatory remarks,
though the win was in Overtime and Barely Won.
Still. They won.

That thought stuck with me. Still. They won.

Can you not feel the win? Though barely acquired, the win is still better than nothing. Give yourself space to celebrate all those little wins – you got up, still breathing, mobile, alert, thinking, doing, and making progress, although inch by tiny inch.

That’s the way to victory. That’s what victory feels like.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!