Remind yourself of the “why” of your life
Necessary from time to time, we should affirm.
Your belief in the who, what, where, and when.
The key? Life is always about the “why.”

Many awake hoping for magical change
Of course, they talked shop; perhaps they voted.
Not everyone has the same “why.”
But opposite poles make no one the less.

If we retreat to our encampments,
Taunting across the way or throwing barbs of insults
The atmosphere will never be changed.
How we change, and you know this well, it always begins with prayer.

Honest prayer is not about “changing them.”
But more about how to be an influence.
In this strange world of opposites, truly, this is the key.
A change must happen in all of us, so we may see the “why.”

Influence is not found in political ads or debates.
That’s faulty human reasoning at work.
To influence change, the “why” we must comprehend.
Influence introduces trust, and that’s not something to take lightly.

How do we influence? First, my friend, it means you listen.
Quit hogging the oxygen with only your voice.
Forty sides to every story, a generation of reasons, I often teach.
Give equal time to hear, and only then can we speak.

Guilty, am I, and you, yes, even you!
We dominate the lines of difference and uniqueness.
Behind every person in any story, look, we are all souls,
Desperately, hopefully, making plans for the future!

So, let’s not slam and criticize indiscriminately
Just because their side is far from where we are.
Rather, we should pause, listen, and try to understand.
Not to change but rather to comprehend.

Why? Because they, too, have their own “why.”
I suspect much of human reasoning is at odds with God
On both sides, and all sides, no matter where we are.
The foundation we build is crumbling, but His never does.

Prodigals can only arise when they become self-aware.
Sinners can only repent when the Spirit moves upon them.
Wisdom reaches some, and the light bulb is lit.
But many are won by you – influence and spirit.

Whether by influence or Holy Spirit,
Something needs to trigger.
Your “why” is important to you
But Remember, until you see God’s side,
Your “why” matters so little.

Remind Yourself Why: Prodigals can only arise when they become self-aware. Sinners can only repent when the Spirit moves upon them. Wisdom reaches some, and the light bulb is lit. But many are won by you – influence and spirit. Click To Tweet

Change does not always come by a majority.

Influence to change comes by each of us living our beliefs without the rhetoric, slander, or political diatribe.

Change is a heart matter, not emotional, and is controlled by you for yourself. Be. Live. Influence comes slowly.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!