First, make room for God.

Yesterday was a “hard-working, back-breaking, even though it rained” sort of day. Yes. I worked in the rain. A few days ago, I dug fence post holes with my tractor. Yesterday, I planted the posts, cementing the corners. Come Friday, and I’ll stretch the wire. Just in time.

This morning, after 3.5 hours of sleep, I’m awake. Sore. Tired. Unable to sleep. Weary. 2 am is early, no matter who you are.

While sitting with my coffee a few minutes ago, thinking about my accomplishments from yesterday, a thought crept to the forefront of my mind.

In The Middle of Everything, Did I Make Room For God?

Oh, the middle of the night thoughts.
I wondered, did I make room for God in my labor?
What difference would it have made?
I’m a spiritual person who believes in God,
Who created all of us and filled my plate to handle
What’s there is nothing more than what I can do.

So. Do.
Without reservation or worries about failure,
Step up to the plate and handle the day,
By moment, trouble, or issue.

My body is aging, but my mind is sharp.
Maybe I should rethink how I tackle the issues of work.
Ask God for some fresh input and strength.

Sure, don’t we all?

While thinking this through,
I learned all over again
I need to make room for God.
In the tasks, every day

And all the way through.,

Even when I’m tired,
Or in the struggles, I attempt to handle
Putting God into the equation
It is
like that kick of caffeine some need
To jump-start their morning.
Indeed there’s a Word from the Holy Book.
Think about it, and it pops into my spirit
Seek First...” his kingdom,

Let everything else falls into place.

First has its place.
It’s not the middle nor the last.
It comes before everything.
David says it best,
“Early will I seek you…”
Do it first, and you’ll be able
To do your best.

Analyze This

I know it would be easy to pay someone else, but something is satisfying about stepping into the planning, shopping, loading, moving, and doing that gives me satisfaction. Others will do a better job, you say. Sure. But all mistakes are mine, and I own them even right now.

Besides, it’s fun working by myself.

When I look over the job site, some holes are deeper and not aligned as straight as they should be. Those are easy fixes as I plant the poles. It’s back-breaking. Sweat mingles with the rain. You must look where you step; rocks and roots collide. Yes, I tripped, stumbled, and fell through the afternoon. But that’s life on the farm, kind of laid back… Hush, John Denver!

Don’t you ever wish for a passel full of sons that would help with the day?

The dogs are underfoot, making everything I do a challenge. Gunny! Stop going after those rocks in the holes! Bear stands far from the tractor. Chewey runs in for a quick hug and then off to the rabbits! Byrd waits for the moment to lean against my legs for a body rub-down. Nukka? Well, she’s content not even to come close.

Here’s My Thought

Though I grumble, complain, and sweat in the rain, I’m still learning to take it all in stride. Work keeps me young. Right? But I feel the soreness even more. I stretch my limits and find them quickly. Slow down. Pace yourself. We all learn how much we can and can’t do anymore.

That’s when you recognize the power of Making Room For God.

He gives you the strength to finish the task, ask for help, or hire it out.

Making Room For God:First has its place. It's not the middle nor the last. It comes before everything. David says it best, "Early will I seek you…" Do it first, and you'll be able To do your best. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!