Greatest Show on Earth

It has been said, “If you do something you enjoy, you’ll never work a day in your life.” True? Perhaps. It depends. I guess. I dunno!

Someone suggests that to be successful, you need to find a need, fill the void, and you’ll never lack anything. Again, is this true? Perhaps. It depends. I guess. I dunno!

A recent article(s) (there are many) tells us that to survive this economy, you need six or more streams of income. Do it right, and you’ll never worry about where you’re next dollar will come from. True? Perhaps. It depends. I guess. I dunno!

Perhaps the call to be successful is what takes us down one path or the other,
looking for that one avenue that clicks, discarding the ones that do not work.

I’ve been writing my blog for over a dozen years. Looking at my statistics, I’ve learned what garners more readers and am surprised by the ones that hardly get a nod. If I want a large following, I must give people what they want. If I want to write some solid thoughts, I must thread the needle(s) between what I enjoy thinking about and what others want to read.

The Greatest Show on Earth: Perhaps the call to be successful is what takes us down one path or the other, looking for that one avenue that clicks, discarding the ones that do not work. Click To Tweet

Today’s social platforms have moved us deeper into the video world. Short and sweet. Enticing. Surprising. It seems we want something that reveals human nature. Equally, some videos give us something to think about or to wish upon a star about. I admit, when it comes to watching airplanes do a STOL (Short Take Off Landing) demonstration, I can ooh and aah all day long, but it does not make me want to try it for myself.

Shortest Takeoff in STOL History

If I’m interested in learning how to build or repair something, videos give me live demonstrations, but I do want to read the instructions behind the example. I suspect it depends on what I need as to the learning style I gravitate toward. There are many thoughts about learning styles. [Read Here]

Hmmm… I wonder if there are thoughts about the distractions we are willing to give ourselves to?

One of the greatest disappointments in entertainment is the competition between random strangers to see who can perform the best. It becomes Prime Time Entertainment. Instead of learning or doing, people are mesmerized by the various talents that woo and wow, and the ones booed for stinking. It makes for a good Couch Potatoe experience! Right?

Some enjoy the one-liners of the world and work hard to memorize, recite, and even live by the quaint thoughts. If you are willing to live by the principle of one-liners, then you can make a solid life. However, you must agree to the premise that it’s all you need to move forward, right? Not me! Give me a summation that’s agreed upon by a body of example and work that proves the point. Then I’m content!

Image about spending the time to learn or do something that has long time effects.
Long-Term Thinking Is The Key

So, to give people what they want, let me choose a scripture with a long view.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate in it day and night,
that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success.
(Joshua 1:8 NKJV)

I guess you get to choose where you spend your focus. Mine is geared around the Word of God because that’s the success that is eternal!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!