Let's Sweeten the Offer

Anyone who sells knows what it means to add an extra incentive to entice someone to buy. If you are a wise purchaser, you often hold out and wait for the opportunity of a deeper price cut or an “extra bonus” for your reticence.

On either side of the transaction, we all understand what it means to sweeten the offer. In Poker, or so I’m told, the sum of all bets is sweetened by adding to the total to be won or lost. Let’s take what’s on the table, and make it better by adding to something I’m sure will encourage you to stay in the game.

In my mind, I imagine a swarmy encyclopedia salesperson, rubbing slippery hands together and saying something like: “Well, just for today, and only this one time, I’ll throw in a brand new dictionary!!” (I actually remember several different pressure sales moments like this, and they were not selling encyclopedias.)

These Times

Over the past few years, we’ve seen house prices skyrocket, and if you want to buy a house, you may compete with someone better positioned than yourself. You want to get as much as possible if you are the seller. But if you care about the property, another tangible choice may be related to who is best suited for your unique home.

During this same time, oil has skyrocketed, lumber has blown off the roof, and decisions are being made about what to give up just so you can put food on the table! Profiteering!

If you are outbid, accept it may not have been the best opportunity for you as a buyer. As the seller, you ask yourself if the purchaser has the object’s best interest in mind. Choosing the right situation, and knowing your limitations, exist on either side of the coin, no matter how sweet the offer may be.

Making Good Choices

Making good choices is not always about the money or potentially missed opportunities. Knowing where to hold the line against sales tactics that are geared to exchange a product for your hard-earned dollars.

Two for the price of One! Makes me wonder about the value of the “one.”

For a product we’ve owned for nearly two decades, I get an annual call from one of these salespeople who only “have your best interest” in mind. The bottom line? They want you to take advantage of a new plan that will save you money in the long run if only you spend more money today!

Snake oil sales come to mind. Traveling Medicine Show. “For you, my dear, I’ll let you take a sip before buying just so you know it’s good stuff.”

Snake oil sales come to mind. Traveling Medicine Show. “For you, my dear, I’ll let you take a sip before buying just so you know it’s good stuff.”

Image provided by: Maroonic – MWC-Medicine Wagon

When did we leave our common sense hiding under the bed as we journeyed to conquer the day!

It’s been difficult to make the best choice in life when there’s more variety and options than you can imagine! Who’s right? Wrong? Is it the truth? Or have you slanted it to fit your sales model?

Think about those early days of the pandemic. Who can you trust? We’ve spent trillions of dollars! To what end? For whose benefit? Yours? Us? Them? Even today, it feels like we are sold a “bill of goods” not worth the paper that money is printed on. (Of course, money is not printed on wood pulp paper rather, it’s a blend of cotton and linen.) Our governor told us we would need to wear masks for no more than two weeks. 120 weeks later, we are still being told it’s wise to wear masks in public.

Sweetening The Offer: It's been difficult to make the best choice in life when there's more variety and options than you can imagine! Who's right? Wrong? Is it the truth? Or have you slanted it to fit your sales model? Share on X

Oh, Well…

I suspect we will have times like this for the remainder of our time. Today and every day until the hereafter, these times will be filled with those who have lost their common sense and are willing to take advantage of others.

It’s Latin, but we hear this often: “caveat emptor.” Buyer Beware. It easily becomes: “emptor conscientiam.” Buyers Remorse.

Too often, we shrug our shoulders and hold our hands as if to say, “Oh well.”

However, What If…

What if the salespersonage is not swarmy, the product unquestionably good, or the times do not feel so uncertain? What would you do? Maybe the better question relates to eternity. Will this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? What if I do or don’t? Does it matter?

A long time ago, I decided to be a Christ Follower. Back in the day, it seemed there was much support for this version or that version of the “truth.” Pick the denomination, stay faithful, and you will pat yourself on the back for a good decision. It’s not always been easy.

We’ve watched trends come and go, but Jesus says, “The words I speak are spirit and life.” (John 6:63) God gave the law to Moses, who presented it to Israel, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)

Keywords: Spirit, Life, Grace, Truth. What if we based our spiritual life on these foundations? Isn’t the deal sweet enough? What else do you want?

Do I need a flimflam man to convince me to be part of the best life going? Or, can I make up my mind on my own based on the evidence and fact presented to me?

I think my foundation is strong, so I will keep living on regardless of the choices others make.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!