Night SkyEverything Began Somewhere

There was an exercise I remember from a science teacher in 8th grade. Mr. Doolittle. He painted a word picture of our solar system, the planets orbiting the sun, moving through the universe in a great arc.

Time would show, were we the time to know,
that everything spins around a center.
The Solar System, Universe, Every part of it…
Planetary mechanics say we are constantly moving.

But what if we look at it differently.
Our solar system is a great place to start.
Circling the sun, like water circles the drain
we spin in orbit around our wandering sun.

Imagine inward, smaller, see, the Atom!
Smaller than the unaided eye can comprehend
The smallest element that is our building block
From which, if missing, life would never form

There is a central focus, and as with spinning planets.
Protons, electrons, neutrons, oh, my.
Think! In the palm of our hand
There could be systems and universes
Millions, Billions, Trillions, and more
Occupying space that is constantly on the go.
Will it ever stop?

One slap, clap or knock of the hand
Destruction can happen in a flash
Wait! That’s the same fear and concern
We all feel as we try to live day by day.

It could be that we are caught in a similar spiral.
A small piece of a bigger whole.
Above, beyond, farther than imagined.
There’s always something bigger.

Creation, or your proverbial big bang if you so choose
From nothing, finally, comes something
And that produced you. Me. Us. Them.
Just Saying.

In the voice of Walter Cronkite, “And that’s the way it is…that’s how my mind works.” Consider the whole and the parts and pieces that are probably the whole for another smaller set that we cannot even comprehend.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!