Threading the NeedleSuccess! Now what?

It’s one of the most complicated tasks that some of us face. What might that be? If you’ve never done it, then you have no clue, but threading a needle is a passel of trial and error, patience and steady hands, but most of all, eyes that clearly see the thread and the needle, and fingers that move with agility.

You snip the end of the thread off as clean a cut as possible,
twirl it into a pointed end, and then aim for the eye of the needle!

That eye is so tiny, and an unraveled sliver of thread is the biggest threat to success! What may be hard to see with clouded eyes is the wispy twists and turns of a spare ribbon of fiber with a mind of its own.

There are devices you can use to lead to success, but they too are fraught with anxiety and frustration. Regardless of their design, you must still focus on getting the thread through the tiny portal on the opposite end of the point.

You can succeed, and some techniques work differently than you ever thought possible. Watch this video, and try it for yourself. I’ve tried it, and it worked for me! Presto!

Threading The Needle: You snip the end of the thread off as clean a cut as possible,twirl it into a pointed end, and then aim for the eye of the needle! Good Luck! Click To Tweet

Life’s Thought

We are always looking for shortcuts and hacks to get to a prosperous place in life. It’s not that the more challenging way is better, but there are more accessible paths that ensure success. Most of these shortcuts become habits; we all know that habits ease burdens and make the future comfortable.

If you are going to achieve excellence in big things,
you develop the habit in little matters.
Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.
~Colin Powell

Keywords? Excellence. Achieve. Prevailing Attitude.

When I built my first Radio Control airplane and promptly crashed it the first time it flew, I learned the joy of building does not always mean the success of flying. Ditto with a drone. Successfully assembling a new drone does not mean you fly it competently.

Begin making habits of the small things that lead to more significant victories!

My morning habit and routine is pretty stable. Yet, when missed for a few days in a row, I will get up even earlier to ensure I get back on track.

Along the way, you learn some things do work very well together. I hear a voice from parents and teachers everywhere telling us to “play well together! That’s the way we develop our habits. Find the routines that work well when put into sequential processes.

Sometimes our habits open up new avenues of thought, and we combine their routines differently, so the result is more quickly achieved.

What are your habits? Do you even know what you do to make anything you plan on doing in life a successful venture?

One thing I’ve learned, emotions must stay out of the picture. This is pure logic at its finest hour.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!