Valuable Real EstateValuable Real Estate

We know this, but we seldom do much about it. We all own valuable real estate and do very little with it. What might this be? First of all, it’s nothing you can see or touch, but you deal with the results all the time! Next? This real estate can be hurt not only in the physical sense but also in the idea of how you and others treat it.

What can I possibly be talking about?

I know real estate! My bride and I own land in Texas. A baron we ain’t, but our two little country lots mean we might be called landed gentry! My memory banks tell me that it was a wedding gift. In reality, it was probably an opportunity to own something mom and dad had bought, and they were deeded over to us. Through the years, letters, phone calls, emails, and now, texts come several times a year offering to buy it from us. At first? The offers were barely over the taxed value from the mid-70s. Our real estate bill? $20 per year. Last week someone offered 182 times that amount!

Well. I’m not talking about real estate in the ordinary sense. I believe your Mind is very valuable. Besides the place where you store your data, think things through, or utilize lightning-fast reactions, you can do nothing without this valuable space.

Why don’t we treat our minds better? We allow it to become cluttered, disorganized, and schlepping all over the place. If you are like me, and I hope you’re not, my Mind is full of useless data. At least it’s useless until I play Trivial Pursuit! Then, even I’m amazed at how I weed through data, connect the dots and come up with an answer! If it’s not right, I reasoned enough that it could have been right!

Valuable Real Estate: What could be more valuable than the Mind you have developed to this point? A mind that keeps growing and expanding! Reach Your Potential! Click To Tweet

Your Mind Is A Challenge!

I also love to read specific books that challenge me. Thus, I store data that helps me be better! Since I enjoy the book once, why not reread it in a few years. Still Good! That’s how I see the Bible. It’s not enough to read it once. Like music that speaks to my core, I read and reread, study, and read some more!

We often allow things into our minds that do us no earthly good. We see something we cannot unsee – our minds’ storage bank is often unerasable. The same is true about all our senses. Their experiences get stored and come to life at some inopportune times.

Jesus asked a question that I’ve pondered at times:

But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said,
Why do you think evil in your hearts?
Matthew 9:4 NKJV

This is a deep subject but consider this. Our minds are closely connected to what we value in our hearts. We use phrases like “heart of hearts” to describe what we feel, know, or even understand at the deepest core of our being.

Could it be the sum of all our parts that make up the most valuable real estate in the world? No one thinks, talks, acts or cares like Y-O-U. You are uniquely made! Read Psalms 139 with a paused and thoughtful insight. David says this one thing, and we reference it often. It’s a valuable phrase that describes Y-O-U!

I will praise You,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
Psalms 139:14 NKJV

Comprehension comes in a flash of insight when you realize how valuable you are! God Knows You! Read the entire chapter, and let your Mind mull it over! Go ahead. Take the time and engulf these verses and put yourself into them. [Psalms 139]

In light of all Paul had dealt with and his ultimate sacrifice that was soon coming, he challenged himself to take a different view on his place in the scheme of things.

I think myself happy, King Agrippa,
because today I shall answer for myself before you
concerning all the things of which I am accused by the Jews,
Acts 26:2 NKJV

Maybe you will think differently! Paul. Jesus. Everyone before us! They show us how valuable we are. No matter what place you find yourself in today, you are either at your best place or in a place you can grow from. Put your mind to work!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!