Step Back - Going Against The FlowStep Back - Going Against The Flow

I’ve been up for hours and find I’m dealing with a “block.” It’s not writer’s block because I’ve never been without something brewing in my mind that I can transfer to words on a page or screen. There’s always something to say. Always. No loss of words here!

What faced me very strongly was the idea of “why, for whom, where to from here, and does anyone care?” Am I making a difference? Impact? Do I have a purpose? What’s my position? Will I challenge someone to be better? Make life better?

Often, these questions come at the end of the rope. You are at your lowest point. You’ve tied a knot. Hold on with all you got. There’s no other place to go. Drop off, or renew your focus and climb back to the top. When we think we are at the end or realize how far we’ve strayed from where we should be, we can still have victory. It’s primarily up to me. Let that percolate for a while—stew on that.

You cannot expect what you are incapable of accepting. (CMG-4/8/22)

So. This phrase spoke to me. It came out of the blue last week. I’ve been living with it for days. What am I expecting? Well, I must be willing to accept. That means a change happens to me, in me, and, you got it, by me.

I am responsible for myself. My choices say a lot about who I’ve chosen to be. How I re-purpose or re-direct is based on the options I give myself the liberty to explore.

Perc and Stew

Let It Perc and Stew until the Thought is Through

As we move through the paces of life
It does good to pause every so often
and think. Think. Rethink. Think some more.
Let it perc and stew until we know it’s through.
No actions required, just time to consider.
There you are! Heading to where?
Quit reacting, and in fact, do not move!
Never act until the perc and stew are through.

So, I paused to listen to Sunday’s Message again. (Click the link and start at 22 minutes if you want to hear.) It spoke to me as much as it did to anyone else. “It’s Still A Victory!

I’m still thinking it through. How about you?

Step Back, Just Not Too Far: I am responsible for myself. My choices say a lot about who I've chosen to be. How I re-purpose or re-direct is based on the options I give myself the liberty to explore. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!