Not even a month old, Spring has brought us snow, icy conditions, hail, high winds, flooding rains, along with one day over 60.

You gotta love Spring!

Of course, I love any month that produces the weather some enjoy to hate here in Washington. Anything to keep us away from the heat, I say.

I don’t even own true cold-weather gear! It seldom hits zero, and if it’s really bad we mostly stay indoors. Why spend the money?

Last Monday, we were blasted with hail. Most everything turned winter-looking. I was content. The Apple, Pear, and Plum blossoms survived – now if they would only produce! The pups were wise enough to stay on the porch, and the chickens were undercover.

Come visit sometime, only, don’t come to the Pacific NW if you don’t love Spring. I do dislike being around complainers.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!