It has nothing to do with me, except, who and what I am is a witness to others. Still. It’s not about me. There is someone it is all about, only, it’s not about me.

Many decades ago, this thought was constantly presented to us as teenagers. Some say it came from Spurgeon, but he merely quoted from another source. I’m not sure the words mean as much to others as they do to me. From my middle-teen years to my mid-late ’60s, these words have been my foundation.

They have stayed with me, and in the middle of every trial, loss, and victory, the words would come back to my inner ear. I would utter the words and realize it over again: It’s Not About Me.

Upon a death I did not die,
upon a life I did not live,
I stake my whole eternity.
~Horatius Bonar,
Communion Hymns

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 NKJV

It's Not About Me: Upon a death I did not die, upon a life I did not live, I stake my whole eternity. ~Horatius Bonar, Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!