Songbirds singingSong for the Day

I’m not sure I have a favorite song, but I’ve found certain styles, genres, and tempos that speak along the path of my life. Loudly. Softly. Melodic. Casual. Songs speak to my mind, heart, soul, and spirit. Some will require my fingers to type out the melodies, and some may get me to tap my feet. Put me behind the wheel of my truck, and you will know I’m listening to something I enjoy!

With the advent of music videos on YouTube, I love to create a playlist and enjoy “watching and listening” as my favorite singers give a rendition of something they enjoy. The key is that I do not listen to music unless I know the song or I’m learning to enjoy something new. Music is mostly a background experience. I cannot have a conversation while music is playing. Just sayin’. It’s one or the other.

Over the years, and as hearing abilities tighten, I find video captions are very helpful!

Let’s add to this thought. If I’m after the words, I don’t want the music to be so loud I cannot enjoy it! There’s a blend of the two that makes the whole experience perfect. I learned through my growing years that acapella is preferred as that’s how we sang while driving down the road. Five hundred miles away from home, along with knocking those bottles off the wall and favorites that revolved around worms.

Some new music added to my listening pleasure comes from musicians I find in the Airport. I will support them and then follow their growth. There’s been a dozen or so that sing and play to my liking. Friends and families share someone new, and I add those I can enjoy to my playlist of life.

Jesus Sang

Jesus sang. Of course, he sang! I’m sure he participated in Worship at the synagogue and perhaps family sing-a-longs just like any of us might do. Before the cross and after the Last Supper, the Bible tells us that Jesus sang with his disciples. (Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26)

It makes me wonder which song would have had the privilege of being sung by Jesus at this time.

The actor Dean Jones performed in a one-man, two-act play at a church in California in 1986. I’ve probably watched this video 100 times. You can find it on YouTube or buy it at Amazon. But if you’ll skip the first 53 minutes (go back and watch the whole thing!), you will find Dean Jones telling the story of St John’s memory of Jesus singing. He even gives you a song that Peter wrote, and you will find in its simplicity that a song does not have to be complicated to enjoy.

My Birthday Song

Yesterday was my birthday, and it has started weirdly. Sound sleep for about four hours and then wide awake. Don’t Make Noise! The eight German Shepherd puppies cannot hear just yet, but their momma has sensitive ears. If she knows I’m up, then Chewy wants a walk. 4 a.m. is not when I want to tread through the yard while she finds a place to do her business. Coyotes were singing last night! I suspect they went running through our yard. When that happens, Chewy pulls me every which way as she tracks their smells. Chewy! Let’s listen from the comfort of the porch! There are too many rocks to trip over!

Suppose you could choose what makes a song just right for you. What’s your primary focus? For me, it’s three-fold: Words, Key, and Tempo. Again, my hearing difficulties come into play. The voice must be one that I can hear! Then, if it’s hard for me to enjoy because I cannot sing along, it doesn’t matter how good it is. I can’t join in; thus, it’s not my favorite. The words must be meaningful, tell a story, give me information or tell how I feel.

If I must have a song this week, I will share with you one my mom pointed my way. The words, voices, tempo, and message are right up my alley. It’s a music video on YouTube, so you may have to put up with an advertisement or two. I’ve never heard of Elevation Worship or Maverick City, but I did find other songs of theirs I can enjoy.

If you enjoy this song, would you let me know?

One last thought. Just because I like “one song” doesn’t mean I’ll enjoy everything a group or singer produces. Some are simply one-hit wonders!

Talking To Jesus

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!