Once upon a time,
as most fairy and horror stories go,
we were skipping along through life.
Unmindful of the potential dangers,
we existed almost in a vacuum.

Who knew that dangers lurked
Seen, ignored, but everywhere
We kept thinking, no not me
I’ll ne’er deal with that
It’s only for others

Then the bubble burst,
Dangers rushed in, Our defense’s
Non-existing because we ignored
Simple truths of safe behaviors
Before the crowds dispersed to distance

Masks, social, sanitizers, and more
Divide, conquer, jab, and again
Wearing the badge of safety
We bragged “fully” vaccinated
We’re safe!

But then another, and another
Suddenly, this shot, that pill, this solution
’De don’t work!
Billionaires are made as one after the other
Sufferers struggled with breath

Will we ever return to normal?
Who know…but I refuse to let abnormal
Define me, corral or stop me in my tracks
Family, Friends, Connections and Strangers
Every segment has one loss after the other

So, I hit the road, trying to show it’s ok
Some are aghast, as they board the plane
Whisking away to faraway lands they say
How could you, and not I?
Time and again, go they.

It’s really up to you, now strong do you feel?
The virus is pesky, hard to fight
Changing every day, probably never defeated
Like colds and flu’s we will deal with it forever
So, let’s get back in gear. Forward! March!

I’m not a poet, but my mind works in random fashion, so a moment of just writing as I want and hoping you’ll not think I’m crazy!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!