Space HitchhikerWhy Are We Here?

I have dozens of partial posts written and ready to be polished and published. Hmmm. I like that. Polished and Published. But this morning, a question popped into my spirit as I was planning my day. “Why are we here?” Some believe we are nothing but someone else’s dream or an AI’s (artificial intelligence) construct. If we can’t take it with us, why do we strive so hard to obtain it? There must be a more extensive answer to the question. Else, we have no purpose of getting up today and accomplishing it.

My world is not a “sit back and let it slide” even though I do much sitting while working on my computer. I feel accomplished as I prepare to write and speak from my mind to an audience that I sometimes wonder if they even care. Am I making a difference? Why does my mind work as it does, and why do I feel driven to produce content?

Why are we here?

It’s a tricky question to answer when all you have to look at is the world you are stuck with. You know, your lot in life and the corner of the globe where you mainly exist. Travel all you want, and you will find the same circumstances in many lives. Why, o why, are we here?

A friend has a “ministry” to put shoes on the feet of disadvantaged kids around the world. He has found his purpose and calling. Another runs outreach to storm-wracked areas as they reach out across the country to help when devastation remains. Even more, some have a reach into other countries to take the Gospel, or medicine, or water. They know their calling, and they follow their heart, but too many of us ask, “Why are we here?”

Questions Need Answers

As a young man, I would have never wasted my time trying to find an answer. More aged, I sit (and I dislike just sitting!) and ponder my past and wonder if I’ve made the world a better place to live, thus explaining my reason for being here. You either rest on your laurels, or you guestimate the time left and wonder how you can make a difference as we advance.

Why Are We Here? You either rest on your laurels, or you guestimate the time left and wonder how you can make a difference. Click To Tweet

Can you allow a question to move you from where you were to where you should be?

It’s questions like this that make someone follow their dream, no matter how hard or far. Seeking answers, some go on a quest, even willing to give up all they’ve gained to get to that sweet spot of knowing, “This is why I’m here.”

Think of all the explorers of our past, pushing the known boundaries and looking into the beyond. I can almost imagine being one of them! Consider all the migrations of people across the known world, and then imagine some future when we push off this planet into the stars beyond.

Since arriving in Washington, I’ve known my reason and purpose and pray that I’ve done the best with my abilities. Consistently, I wish for more but allow myself to be content with what I’ve accomplished. There is no answer I need to any questions that remain.

My Question To You

As my puppies charge the yard barking at whatever they think they see, I want to leave you with this question. If you would be so kind as to reply in private or comment in public, I’m interested in your answer. “Why are you here?” It’s easy to ignore, but someday soon you will want the answers like everyone else. “Why am I here?”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!