I started blogging nearly a dozen years ago. Never a daily task but a regular desire to unravel the view of life and bring foundational order with my thought. Always successful? No. Not even close. Sometimes the foundations piers are so deep you would grow weary plumbing the depths as I dig deeper. Sometimes I write lightly, knowing I’m not even scratching the surface.

Where am I going?

This is a quick thought to ask of you about your path to faithfulness.

Do you pay your bills on time? Is your “word” to be trusted? Can your partner, children, family and friends believe in your commitment? Does God trust you?

Much of our faithfulness is tried in the fire of somebody’s faithfulness to you! Can you trust them? Do you trust God?

I’m still learning and willing to admit it. You?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!