MondayIs it Monday already?

I woke early and instantly felt the darkness of the day, the weight of the world, and wondering if I would ever see the light. It was dark and deliciously cold outside. 27 degrees! Clear skies. Faint stars. No moon. Dawn is a couple of hours away. Wait! What day is this? Monday. My one day off each week.

Last week was busy. Early morning, till late night. The weekend was super busy, stressful, and a blessing! It was a grand ol’ time with church family, and friends on many fronts. But it was also a blessed time of sharing the Word, dedicating some babies, and baptizing a young lady.

Today, it’s Tuesday… And I’m taking a second day off. My daughter popped in yesterday and stayed for dinner. So, we’re taking a drive in a couple of hours. She’s breaking from routine to join us! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance, jump and shout! Family!

It’s about time!

We are learning, at least in our day and age, that isolation is a killer. I know some who have quit writing, driving, working away from home, or going out to simply enjoy seeing other people. If we stay like this too long we will have more mental health issues during the recovery and return to whatever normal will look like!

Hello Tuesday, Welcome to My Day Off!

Monday included some shopping, naps, enjoying the pups, and keeping the phone unplugged… We got some of life accomplished, but this is now Tuesday!

Eddy Arnold used to sing, “Welcome to my world, won’t you come on in, miracles I guess…still happen now and then!”

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
– Jim Rohn

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!