Praise and Worship With No MusicPraise and Worship With No Music

We limit ourselves when we think the only way to praise and worship God is at church, with music flowing, elevating our words and heart to God. It’s a crutch when the only time we can worship or give praise is when we wait for the musician, artist, or songwriter. Right?

What happens when the electricity quits or the strings and reeds break? When one forgets how to play or never exercises their skill to be worthy of attention? What happens when the songwriter gets it wrong? Or my vocal cords refuse to obey?

Here in Washington, we were allowed to have a “form” of a worship service, but no congregational singing…just a single person singing for all of us. Some words from a book early morning brought me to this thinking process:

“… before you can make anything you have to make the thing that makes it – and usually you to make something else to make that!” ~Robert Heinlen

Have we reached a never-ending cycle of waiting on someone else to do their part before I can do mine? What a horrible thought!

Could it be we limit our worship and praise as we wait for the song-writer, instrument invention, and production, someone to train themselves to elevate the melodious trill, or to play to a beat, time and note?

Listen! Sometimes I don’t like the melody, beat, speed, key, instruments being used, or the singer belting out the words! Not that I’m not musically inclined, but I grew up where songs had established verses, choruses, starting and ending place, and the musical markings are on the page to coach me where to go, how to sing, and end the melody!

It’s almost the same with poetry, books, and even insights. Sometimes it flows, too often it doesn’t. Stranded! I’m out on the limb of not engaging because it’s outside my comfort zone.

Abraham Is My Example

God commands Abraham to take his only son of promise and make him the sacrifice on a mountain of God’s choosing. Obedience steps to the plate. Faith swings for the fences. Trust allows God to set the stage. Relief! The son did not rebel, and there is a ram in the bushes.

But note something. As they are traveling to the mountain, Abraham turns to his servants:

And Abraham said to his young men,
“Stay here with the donkey;
the lad and I will go yonder and worship,
and we will come back to you.”
(Genesis 22:5 NKJV)

Notice it? He said nothing about a sacrifice, but that was essentially his act of Worship! There’s deeper thinking to this, but I note he was alone with his son. No music, platform, melody makers, song-writer… Nothing!

Could it be that Praise and Worship encompasses much more than a song set at church on Sunday morning? Sure! Or walk with God should be a Praise to the one who called us out of darkness to walk in his Marvelous Light! (1 Peter 2:9)

I Started This Thought

Singing and songs could be a trap
If with them we feel that’s the only way to worship and praise.
After the author, musician, and singers give us the style and voice.
Action to the words that worship and praise.

Rhyming, Thinking, Speaking, Pure joy!
With no note to sound, recite your praise.
Your Words, someone else’s, matters little.
Let it be worship without a keyboard, nor melodious trill.
Your action, let it come from your heart.

Words flow from that deep place of your soul.
Make it personal, motivation from deep within.
Words, expressions, recitation,
only from what you feel within.
Deep, and deeper, you will get closer to God.

When I depend on the music, I miss the point,
Let me share with you my thought.
Music is nice, but it’s not always necessary.
From deep within, let me share this truth,
words will always be more important than notes.


I shared this from another book. What if you started your morning with the right attitude that comes from deep within and has nothing to do with turning the dial to the latest and greatest talent?

Start your day Blessing God, and everything you do will be your Worship and Praise to Him!

Morning Blessing
Morning Blessing

Great praise and worship words!

Praise and Worship Without A Song… What if you started your morning with the right attitude that comes from deep within and has nothing to do with turning the dial to the latest and greatest talent? Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!