One Thing After AnotherOne Thing After Another

We’ve heard the phrase, and I’ve used it often here of late, “And the hits just keep on coming…!” Of course, we make it say what we want it to mean. In today’s world of constant upheaval, I choose to use it to mean it’s just one thing after another.

What’s that “one thing”? Well, it seems to be the calamity of life that just roils around like boiling water. There’s no peace, or calm, or safety. Scorched. Burned. Boiled. Everything seems to be in turmoil and all seem to be affected.

On one hand, it’s like a zombie apocalypse. Add the “end of life as we know it” and watch them meet on the battlefield of “what’s next?”

Since this is the year I turned 65, and this was supposed to be the start of my “retiring” time, I will say that the turmoil of this year of perfect vision (20/20) does not seem to be “my time” to do anything I thought life would be all about.

How About You?

Have you taken an accounting of your dreams, wishes and wants, then compared them to the actual burden of this year? Do you feel as overwhelmed by the negatives as so many of us do?

I imagine life in another place or time where the ravages of war, disease and uncertainty are found only in the history books. But, we are living history in the making. We are facing life like we never thought it would actually be, and it must be we’re living in a simulation of another person’s story-line for a Hollywood movie.

A headline this morning sort of painted this thought, “The New Normal To Save The Earth”… Or some such set of words noting what life will look like for the next “little while” to come. Who ever thought sanitizers, masks, isolation and pandemic would be common words?

Somewhere in the midst of this valley of life, I feel like we must strive for the goodness that still exists. This could be like Sodom and Gomorrah in the times of Abraham, or the impending doom each herald brings to Job on that afternoon when everything turns negative. Or, it could be a song like Mac Davis used to sing, “…you gotta stop and smell the roses along the way…”.

We are facing life like we never thought it would actually be, and it must be we’re living in a simulation of another person’s story-line for a Hollywood movie. Click To Tweet

The Next Straw

What could be the next straw that threatens to break our back? You know, one faint weight that is just one ounce too much?

The Apostle Paul writes his last known letter to his protege, Timothy. He’s giving his farewell address and admonishes him to keep going on.

It came to mind this morning, as he tells Timothy to come to him as quickly as possible, and then asks him to bring something with him.

“The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus,
when thou comest, bring with thee,
and the books, but especially the parchments.”  
2 Timothy 4:13 (KJV)

What did Paul find so important in those last days of life? I need my cloke, and books, but especially the parchments…

Could it be so simple that we need to look at what will bring us comfort the most as something we yearn for desperately in these waning hours?

What is a parchment? Say what you want, but it in this context it comes from a Greek word with Latin roots that describes it as a “membrane”, and probably from a sheep skin. It was often used to record writings that would last longer than whatever form of paper was popular during these times. The writings within these may have been ancient texts, or even something for him to record more permanent thoughts to pass on.

Regardless, he’s ready for his last test, but he’s missing some of his creature comforts.

Here’s My Thought

When we reach whatever the ending of everything will be, only a few things will be our comfort. It’s not the wealth, prized possessions, or brands that set us apart. Our last desire will be in those few little items we cherish. A person, our legacy, or some trinket that reminds us of simpler times.

What do you cherish the most?

The list may be long, at the onset, but as we keep narrowing our focus we find what really matters are probably some of the most simple things.

My family… and perhaps those last remaining dominoes given as a birthday gift, that little red rubber knife I bought with my saved money, my first study bible.

We will each reach an ending. Quickly it will arrive, or a slow approach. I’ve seen them both in recent times. How you choose to represent your life to others, it would seem, Paul laid some importance on three things. Cloke (Cloak), Books, Something to write his next thought on.

This Morning, A Song…

Yes. A song filtered through all my thoughts and it simply seems appropriate for today. It’s a “story” song that takes me from here, to there. This is how I envision most songs that are my favorite. How about you?

Just…A…Little…While... And, in case you do not know it, here’s a link!

Soon this life will all be over
And our pilgrimage will end,
Soon we’ll take our heav’nly journey,
Be at home again with friends;
Heaven’s gates are standing open,
Waiting for our entrance there,
Some sweet day we’re going over,
All the beauties there to share.

Just a little while to stay here,
Just a little while to wait;
Just a little while to labor
In the path that’s always straight;
Just a little more of troubles
In this low and sinful state,
Then we’ll enter heaven’s portals,
Sweeping thro’ the pearly gates.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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