Long ShadowLong Shadow

The low angle of the sun, an early morning cool walk with the dogs, a glance over my shoulder, and I saw the truth of it again. We cast a long shadow, an image of who we are, lengthening across the landscape. Sometimes you have to look for it, but when the conditions are just right, you can see yourself! Your shadow may get lost in the clutter, but every so often it stretches in front of you.

Face the sun, it’s at your back. Put your back to the sun, it reaches a long way in front! Shadows reach in only a single broadcasted direction! It depends on the light source!

As we traverse our lives, we are extending ourselves in a certain direction. Your shadow may impact others, or it may benefit them… Equally the same is true about their shadow.

Walking the dogs early morning, south of the 50’s, and the mist is being burned off by the rising sun, I was thinking about our influence on others. I’ve been 65 trips around the sun and over half-way there to 66. Who have I impacted the most? I would hope first it would be myself, then those close to me, and eventually, strangers whom I never meet. Our footprint on life can be huge even when we face an uncertain future.

“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” ~Abraham Lincoln Click To Tweet

This gives me pause to consider and thank those shadows of others who are still reaching into our space. You may know who you are, or not. Regardless. We know.

Our Footprint on Life

A few years back someone said I “smile” too much. That’s your problem, not mine. If I walk around looking grumpy all the time then that’s my problem, not yours! At the same time, I am thoughtful how others perceive me.

I’ve learned that when someone has a “head of steam” it’s often best to pause, give them passage, and continue on my path. We all have times when internal turmoil creates a runaway train scenario! It’s best to not get on their tracks!

When I walk into a crowded conference room, I’m looking for someone who is quietly observing the noisy attendees. Normally, it’s the back wall, and most of the time, that’s where I find my peace. It’s not in the crowd, it’s on the fringes. It’s not at the center of attention, it’s edged far away from everyone else.

Truth be known? I’d just as soon be alone on the backroad of some mountain side or valley! I’m struggling with being in the city, and I prefer being in the country.

Who Shadows Your LIfe?

My bride and I are shade hoppers. We look for the shadows that we can park ourselves in because height one of us like basking in the full sun too much. From the parking lot, to walking the yard, or simply sitting in the shade! We enjoy shadows!

There’s a guy I follow on Instagram. Week on, week off. Work. Not working. When he’s away from town, he’s at his cabin far in the woods with a beautiful gaze over a lonely valley and a forbidden mountain chain in the distance. I like his shadow!

Do you have a philosopher, teacher, preacher, business leader, or some other influential person you follow? You’re reaching for their shadow! Could it be that all those “social followers” are simply looking for shade? Including you? Perhaps. At the same time, you are the shade others follow themselves.

I’m just saying. Are you up to the important task of being an influencer?

Back in the Day

Any intrepid explorer, whether looking for a new route in new territory, or simply needing some peace from the rat race, always took a chance with the unknown. Leaving Europe and headed for new coasts, can you imagine the fear of not knowing what you would find, or how far it would be to cross a vast ocean?

Traveling took years, and a great toll on personal mental wellness. Expensive provisioning. Training. Skills. Lot’s of luck help in those “Gotcha!” moments.

God told Abram to leave his homeland and “go” to a place that I will tell you when you get there… Here! This is it! (Genesis 12) This happened in the chapter just following the story of the Tower of Babel. How much time between the two events? Not sure! I often wonder about those who were sent to other corners with those who could speak their confused language. New territories… New customs, ideas, and focus.

Abram leaves his homeland. Before God said, “Here. This is it.”, I wonder, was it a direct route? Meandering? Lengthy? Short? We do not know. But if God were to tell me to go and then not provide a road map? I’m sure he had mechanisms in place that would aim me in the right direction. If I could only follow his leading? Where’s His shadow? After all, we’re talking about God!

Then, thinking about the life of Abram (Abraham), his relationship with God has cast a long shadow to us. Tribes around the globe are connected, and we are still living in the shadow of his commitment to God.

Where Are You At?

This journey we’re on, the shadow we cast, and the place we are intending on settling down on… Are you sure you know where you are at, and where you are supposed to be going?

Age may come into play. The older we are, the wiser we may be, and the broader shadow of our scope of life reachers many more than we can even thin about.

Jesus told the disciples they were the “light of the world”, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:14) Then, he commissioned them to go and teach all nations in the Great Commission (Mathew 28:19-20). You are light, and when you go, you will be the light!

This tells me several things… We are a light where we are and from the light source we cast a shadow. Daily. Equally, we are a shadow to the places we are commissioned to go. The light that shines our shadow outward, no matter it’s source… Think about that a moment. No matter the source, it will seldom be darkened. Good Light. Bad light. When we allow it to shine brightly, we enhance our influence to the world.

What light do you allow to shine in your life? Through your life? What kind of shadow do you produce? Significant? Or barely there?

Every so often it’s good to pause, look at the shadow and think. Who is impacted by my shadow? Lord, help me to reflect you to this world.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!