On Monday, March 23, 2020, our governor ordered the state to “Stay Home and Stay Safe”. We’ve been preparing for this moment. COVID-19 is spreading around the world. There are nearly 8 billion people who have the opportunity to contract the disease.

Have you considered what it means? What will life look like on the other side?

There is no cure. Yet. All we can do is deal with the symptoms. And, keeping our distance so we can stay safe, we focus on making it to the other side of this trial.

Hence. Stay at home. Stay safe.

My question is this: What are you doing with your time?

Some want to binge-watch, read, and do nothing productive. Others want to moan over what they’re missing. Still, too many are wandering aimlessly through these scary times. Way too many are shaking in their boots, as it were, fearing the worst.

Since I’m not the worrying kind, and with confidence, I realize these days and weeks are a blessing from God.

What am I going to do with my time?

I’m choosing to be productive with my time. There is some clutter that is ready to hit the road, some to-do lists that will get washed clear, and some productive time with my church family!

There are decisions to be made and I’m ready to make them! In my hip pocket are too many projects that need to come to a close, but I only have so much time… So, I pick the ones that rise to the surface and get my attention! In the wings, there are too many extra things I want to do, but with a lack of time or money, they will have to wait right where they are.

After Noah disembarked from the ark, he lived 350 years after the biggest trial he ever faced. Imagine that!
He had plenty of future to accomplish a lot!

So. I choose to place my focus on what NEEDS to be done now, and not what I WANT to accomplish just because it’s my interest. This event we face is simply a hurdle. Do not lose focus even when the times seem tough.

After Saul became Paul, he had a generation of time to accomplish the plan God set before him. First, he went through a trial. Then he faced hurdles all the way till his last breath. Victoriously, he passed to the other side of his calling.

Catch My Drift?

Einstein was only 26 years old when he first published a paper containing the formula that became known as E=MC2. 1905. Over 100 years ago! He lived another 50 years after his noble formula and kept producing work until his death (4/18/1955), 3 months and 5 days after I was born.

Look at what Bill Gates is doing long after he gave up his position at Microsoft. He’s amassed a huge fortune and will struggle to spend or give it away before he passes off the scene. Born? 10/28/1955. His competition? Steve Jobs. Born? 02/24/1955. They both left promising careers and schools to accomplish so much.

It’s like they picked up the torch from Einstein, and carried his brilliance into different paths.

Lee Iacocca was the lead on the development of the Ford Mustang development in the ‘60s long before he led Chrysler from the brink of bankruptcy. He passed away in 2019, successful on so many fronts.

The Other Side Is In Sight

I’ve reached a stage of life where I realize it’s time to do what I need to do. There may not be much time left, but I’m not slowing down just because there’s some downtime. I’m focusing on production.

When I reach the other side… I hope I find that my life will have produced and done what God gave me to do. The examples that lead me prove that I have what it takes to finish! Click To Tweet

When I reach the other side I want to be found that my life was productive. I may not be perfect, and some things may be left undone, but I’m not wasting a moment of time worrying about what could have been.

It’s now time to do.

Do, or do not…there is no try. ~Yoda

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!