Yep. The time has come to leave from our 30 day trip, and head home. Earlier than planned. COVD-19 is mostly to blame. As services shut down, and rules tighten, we are fortunate to finish up our duties here. Early.

Road songs have often been targeted to the experience of traveling from here to there. Truckers had their songs, star crossed lovers had theirs, and even those who were striking off into the wild blue yonder!

When we were younger, and heading out through Alaska, there was a Bill Gaither song that sort of fit the personality of the day… Wish I could remember it. Someday I’ll find it.

Willie Nelson sang the song, On The Road Again… As I recall, it was the title song of an album he used to gain the funds to pay off his tax bill. Yep. We helped him pay off the IRS!

Now, this happened to be my sister’s favorite traveling song of the past few years, but I remember a time when she and I were on a day trip and I made an CD for us to listen to, and then gave her to travel along her way.

Today. I sing a quiet song. It’s my own song, in my own mind and heart. No one knows it, nor could they sing it as well as I do to myself.

As I finish up my Traveling Devotions over the next few days, I hope you’ll join me. There’s so much to think about, and give God glory for, that I know you’ll be blessed.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!