Sun rising over earth in spaceDay and Night - Satisfactory Sleep

I judge the day based on how well I slept the night before. Will you have a good day? Depends. Was last night satisfactory?

Well. It’s been tough on this trip. The worries of back home, the lack of a familiar routine, and the change of life that I find we are entering… Even the difference of mattresses that vary by location.

Sleep has not been satisfactory!

The sleep of the night, and the rest it portends, helps you determine how well you will face the day. The success of the day is often dependent on the rest the night gives.

Suffice it to say, the day and the night go hand-in-hand.

Think about it. The hard work of the day is often satisfied by the rest of the night. But, the day can be ruined by the night and the night can be ruined by the day. Click To Tweet

This is not to say that sleep is everything. The battles of day and night set the stage on whether you are prepared to win, or lose. I’m thinking of Paul and Silas in jail, and they sang at midnight!

Then, I remember Jesus often pulled aside for a night of prayer. Why? It’s difficult to understand, but he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and the battle of every day was won by how he prayed at night.

Having a bad day, then work on having a good night. Vice a versa. Bad night? Work on having a good day. Let the two balance each other out.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!