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What’s Wisdom? When it comes to spending your resources wisely, then it’s having the wisdom to spend or use, and then choosing where to put the wherewithal or resources to work.

Hmmm… In other words, here are my resources, and there’s what I need. Now, choose to use what I have on what I need, or want…

Priorities. Needs. Focus. Necessary. Survive. Waste.

Somewhere along the path, we get to that point of learning where we need to focus our resources. Our priorities finally get lined up with our basic needs and we only spend what we have to, on what we need the most. It’s not necessarily something we learn early, although there are plenty of examples and lessons. It’s something that comes from hard lessons of waste.

When we are young we think there’s plenty of time. “I can always make money…”. It’s a renewable asset, right? Well. As we age, we realize there’s not near enough! Especially as we age in means and ability.

Here’s My Thought Today

We should learn how to manage what we have for what is most important in life. Try this task.

Count the cost of living between paychecks.

As you get closer to the next paycheck, how much is left over? What do you still need to spend your wised earned funds on? Do you have enough? Or is there a deficit?

Along the way, did you learn to manage your resources based on needs, or wants? Did you learn to set aside a rainy day fund? Are you investing in your future or do you always live in the place of not having enough for basic necessities?

It seems we like to live as Jesus spoke to the disciples. “Take no thought of your life…” (Matthew 6, several times!). Spend. Something left? Good. Spend it. Need something more? Wow! Borrow it, and then spend it.

You could say that we are doing that with the natural resources of this planet. Borrow against the future for our needs today. But, unlike Wimpy of Popeye fame, there’s nothing we can do to pay back because we have nothing to give. Eventually, our account dries up, the bag gets empty, and age makes it difficult to compete in the workforce.

Still, Jesus talks about the rich man who kept collecting his wealth in storehouses. (Luke 12) That wealth will not save you from your ending. What was the final comment from the lesson?

That’s how it is when a person has material riches
but is not rich in his relationship with God.”
(Luke 12:21 GW)

If You Always Do

We often wish we had been taught better. Reality? You are given basic skills from many sources, but it’s up to you to develop them for your future. After some bit of time, you should realize the kind of person you are. You know:

If you always do what you’ve always done…
You’ll ALWAYS get what you’ve ALWAYS gotten!

If you always do what you've always done…You'll ALWAYS get what you've ALWAYS gotten! You have the ability to change your results! Click To Tweet

Perhaps the key is learning to manage our wherewithal…

noun ( hwair-with-awl, -with-, wair– )

: that with which to do something; means or supplies for the purpose or need, especially money: the wherewithal to pay my rent. Example: these people lack the wherewithal for a decent existence

This does not mean I know where my “all” comes from, only that it exists. Some can only see their “all” comes from a benefactor. It seems their first thought revolves around someone else giving of their resources so you can have your needs or wants to be met.

What have you done with your surplus? It’s called a Rainy Day Fund. Though it’s normally something described of a government, it applies to you and me today.

Rainy Day Fund: … is a reserved amount of money to be used in times when regular income is disrupted or decreased in order for typical operations to continue. 

My grandad told me the year he passed… They would have nothing if it weren’t from grandmother learning how to manage the funds so there was always something in the bank account. He wanted money to spend on a new boat motor? Grandmother would suggest they repair the old one first. Thousands saved!

Today. I want to have the wherewithal to create my backup plan so I am not dependent on others to carry my load.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!