On Your MarkOn Your Mark

On your mark is a simple phrase used to tell runners to get to their starting position. Though it was originally used for running, it’s become the starting phrase for many competitions and success stories.

Essentially it tells participants to get to their starting point.

Now, the starting point is not always sided by others in the same competition. On an oval or circular track, the inside lanes are staggered to start several steps or feet behind those on the outside lanes. Why? You want the race to be equal in length.

Yet, it appears those in the outside lane have a head-start! Why? If it’s a Sprint, they start differently than if it’s a marathon. If they are to stay in their assigned lanes, then you want the distance to equal to all others. Some races allow the runners to migrate to the inside lane. Staggered starts are probably closer in distance.

On your mark simply means to get to your starting point. It assumes you have done everything to prepare for this moment.

Where’s Your Mark?

Remember your first day of school? The excitement of buying your supplies, getting your clothes ready, lunch box (!!), and all the necessary steps for the night before?

What was it like the night before your wedding? Graduation? Vacation? New job? Last day before retirement?

That’s what I’m feeling like today!

Getting Ready

Getting ready is half the fun! What’s your readiness? Whether it’s stretching, fueling, getting your head in the game, making adjustments to your plan… Everything comes down to this point.

If you’ve done your job, then you’re ready to participate.

My bride has retired and we are preparing for a long road trip and a few weeks of downtime. This does not happen haphazardly. It’s taken a lot of prep for this action. House sitters, paying the bills in advance, halting the mail, purchasing pet food, scheduling replacements for the church, and making sure our bank account is up to the task!

Equally, we must plan our route, ensure the car is prepared for 6,000 miles of driving, and schedule our stops along the way. When we arrive, it’s knowing where we will be staying, who we will be seeing, and the various alternative events and people we want to enjoy.

There are some musts in the planning of our trip, but getting ready for the opportunity is half the fun!

Are You Ready?

I’ve written often that “The Journey is the Destination“. I believe this! Getting there is half the fun! Getting ready for the trip, or the ending, well, we should all take accounting to know if we are prepared for the trip.

The bible tells us repeatedly that our ending comes when we are least expecting it. In the middle of our journey, or even when we are just beginning the planning stage, we may find that suddenly everything is over.

One wrong move, or an incident ill-prepared for, can make us struggle with knowing readiness.

Getting ready for the start actually means we are getting ready to be ready. The act of getting ready is truly planning our readiness status. Click To Tweet

Jesus tells us that we must be ready (awake, aware) for we do not know when the Son of Man will return. (Matthew 24:42-44) The Apostle Paul tells us that the ending could happen in the twinkling of an eye. (1 Corinthians 15:52) He tells Timothy it be instant (ready) in season and out of season. (2 Timothy 4:2) Peter tells us to be prepared to give an answer to anyone. Anytime. (1 Peter 3:15)

Do not put off tomorrow what you can do today to prepare for the journey!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!