In Touch - World NewsIn Touch Around the World

Over the past dozen years or so, actually, it was probably 15+ years ago, I quit subscribing to the daily newspaper. It wasn’t a conspiracy, rather, how the news was delivered changed! Dramatically!

At a younger point in life, Houston had two papers. Post and Chronicle. One was morning, the other evening. I was prone to subscribe to both. Glutton for news? Possibly. But when you’re life isn’t surrounded by talking heads, and you enjoy reading, then researching through news sheets gave you what you needed to know. Each paper presented the story from a different angle and to read them both gave you a “well-rounded” view of the facts.

But… They both became a morning paper and I had to make a choice. Which one was most important? Then they merged! (I think) And now they’ve folded out of history, gone due to the changing landscape of news delivery.

A memory floated up this morning. 25 years ago. Outside, enjoying the yard in the dark, somewhere around 4 am, waiting on the paper to be delivered!

There Was A Time

Think about it. A newspaper is generally full of news upwards of 24 hours old. The web is cutting in and breaking the news to you moment by moment. The newspaper required subscriptions and advertisers to pay the bill. I’m not sure how the web handles it, but I’m sure there are secrets there they don’t want us to know!

Newspapers used to put out “Extra!” copies of their paper that had breaking headlines splashed across the front page. That’s where a reporter earned the big bucks! They used terms like “above the fold” meaning the story was found above the fold… Or, was it buried out of the first section, hidden behind the want-ads?

I remember an old western movie where the stage brought a paper from a bigger city back east. Everyone scrambled to read the news! How old was it? Weeks! Perhaps months!

When is the last time you saw someone standing at a busy intersection of life selling newspapers?

There was a hunger for being “in the know” and “in touch” with the world around them.

Today. We are overwhelmed by the same kind of news, but on a different platform.

Be The Difference

In the dog-eat-dog world of getting the latest news onto the devices of the world wide readership, we often find the story is not completely true. News barkers are scrambling with words, sentences and facts. They want to be the first! It helps with the advertising rate, and pays some of them the big bucks!

A recent celebrity and his daughter was killed in a tragic accident, and one talking head said that all the celebrities children were involved. Not true. Facts? Fiction? Hyperbole? Or irrationally wording things to have the latest and greatest headline and audience? That talking head was suspended.

“Reporting the facts accurately is the cornerstone of our journalism,” the network said in a statement to E! News. (Same Source)

The cornerstone… Think with me a moment. What would happen if we were all punished for spreading false news? Perhaps our world would be less harried, and everyone would take their time rushing to judgement.

It’s A Challenge

I heard on the local radio news yesterday about an activist who followed someone who had spoken before lawmakers about some options for Green House gasses… [Source] The activist was livid over the testimony and ranted and raved about how the guy needed to go to hell and burn for the way he twisted his words!

Not to put it lightly, but most of us would be calling 911 if someone did this to us!

Knowing what you believe, and acting on the knowledge with passion is a right we all have. How I react to you displaying your angst is a right I have! But who will be the better person in the midst of the exchange?

How would you report this? Who’s side would you take? Did they both speak truth? Facts? How do you decide which side you’re on?

The Times Are Changing

If you would but take a moment and research your position before you spout off, then you will come across with the facts that you believe support your position.

Still, if you would consider the varied audience that surrounds you, there is a possibility you may adjust your response to help others see your logic.

Take it one more step. Knowledge is one thing, wisdom to use that knowledge is sadly lacking everywhere!

There are conversations I will not have with someone because they are a flaming liberal, or a staunch conservative, and I may be in the middle betwixt the two!

This morning, I want to be in touch with the facts, know where I stand, understand where you stand, and know whether we can rationally discuss… Or do we simply hold our horses until another day.

Apostle Paul

I translated all of this into a story about the Apostle Paul. It’s found in Acts 19. He was in the upper coast of Ephesus and he comes across some disciples from John the Baptist ministry.

“… “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?”
They answered him, “No, we’ve never even heard of the Holy Spirit.”
Paul asked them, “What kind of baptism did you have?”
They answered, “John’s baptism.”
Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. John told people to believe in Jesus, who was coming later.”
After they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came to them, and they began to talk in other languages and to speak what God had revealed.”  
Acts 19:2-6 (GW)

Up to this point, Paul had many others doubt his message because of his reputation. After all, he had been one of those who was determined to wipe Christianity off the map! After conversion, he confronted others with his strong view of Christian living. He found great success on the frontier reaching those who had not yet experienced Christ.

The Expansion of the Good News

Notice something about this episode in Ephesus. There were 12 disciples that were involved and they did not seem to know Paul; nor did they doubt the message; they immediately followed through with the new knowledge.

In other words, I believe they were ready for a revelation. Gullible? Perhaps. Prepared to accept? Again, perhaps. Being in touch with your base of knowledge helps you field the “new news” and grasp whether it be true, or not.

For the next two years (Acts 19:10), they were taught of Paul and ministered the message outward so that “…all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.”

One man with the truth of the Word, the witness of the Spirit, and the willingness of disciples, reached an entire province called Asia… Without technology, newsprint, or a delivery system.

Their beginning understanding had come from “one man with a voice from the wilderness” paving the way for the Messiah. Years later, they hear the next voice with a witness of the Good News, and they become responsible for reaching the province called Asia.

Why? They were in touch…

Being in touch is one thing, having knowledge is another, but the wisdom to know how and when to spread it? That’s a whole different thing! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!