
Think with me a few minutes. Can you answer the simple question, “Tell me the time?” We look to our timekeepers, translate the request to some numbers, and recite them with aplomb.

However, we all reach that time when we start thinking about “when”. Is it now? Have we reached that time? Quickly, answer me. Is this “that” time? If so, how do we face it?

In fact, when it comes to this kind of thought, I like to think “NO!” Let’s work it out. Surely it’s possible!

Most know my world and the challenges of life we’ve been dealing with. I called the Bastrop, Texas, Department of Public Safety, and we still don’t have an answer. It’s been 10+ weeks, and we still don’t have the tests that will tell us why, and how come. It still doesn’t make sense, even though it’s starting to feel real.

There’s nothing they can do. Fast is as fast goes. It’s been the timing of everything that makes it linger, along with a location that’s not in the high-speed lane.

Think about TV shows. Well, don’t think about them. They solve all their crimes in 42 minutes. Compressed. Rushed. Get it done! We don’t have time to wait.

Real life drags. Test results take time.

Real Life. Real Time.

Now I’m stuck on a flight home that got a late start, and a plane change that will probably mean I’ll be stuck in Phoenix for a few hours, or even over night. Unless that connecting flight is equally running late. Pray.

Back in June, Dad started dealing with his own health issues. My sister was right there for him, and she could help him see the other side of the coin. The rest of us struggle with that. She was the youngest so maybe there was a connection the rest of us never had. During the past several years she has been around the parents a lot. Dad really misses her. Mom struggles. No parent should go through this. Especially at this stage of life.

Well, the doctors report today was not overly positive. The radiation has done all it can. Surgery is not an option. The experimental immunotherapy treatment has many possible side effects that will challenge the healthiest. But get close to 90, and experience other struggles, well, let’s just say the experiment may make things worse than simply letting nature take her course.

Nature’s Course?

Since when did we start describing the natural life as “nature”? We like to say “Mother Nature” and with it we describe the beautiful world around us. But this is not the mothering effect at work here. Our view of “mother” revolves around loving concern, gentle correction, bandaging the wounds, kissing it all to make it better.

A few decades back the options would have been even fewer. A few generations from now and these problems will be corralled before they leave the chute.

A generation ago we would have simply let life flow the way it goes. Up. Down. Good. Bad. Sand in the hour glass. Trickling until it’s gone. Let’s make all comfortable.

A number of terms come to mind: Cookies crumble, lemons to lemonade, bright side, it is what it is… That’s Life.

Today, mostly, we fight back. The doctors, scientists and care givers keep improving options, but the costs skyrocket and the side effects are still unknown. Insurance does not pay for everything! How deep are your pockets?

What to do?

Do you ever reach a point when you are ready to simply give up? I don’t know. I’ve never been there. A lot depends on “you” – you know, are you a fighter, do you punch back, or roll over and let life dictate your options.

With God as my witness, I hope I never reach the point where I will just give up. With my last breath and ump of energy, I want to stand and swing back. Toe to toe.

Yet, I’ve never been in this particular position. What would I do? A lot depends on my intestinal fortitude in the moment. What’s my support system? What choice do you have? Let’s ask the option sellers.

We all reach the time when there’s nothing left to do, except pray, says someone… I dislike that sentiment. Why don’t we think of prayer as the first option?

Prayer Is A “First” Option!

Sure. We’ve been praying for months. If God would only…”not my will” cries out Jesus in the Garden, “…nevertheless. Not my will, but thine.” This is the first thought that comes to mind. There is always that valley that contains the shadow of death. Traverse through and there is victory on the other side. Always.

Jesus gives me an example to know when it’s time to face the music then we should all know when to simply allow everything to happen the way it will happen. Stand up to the music, turn your back to the crowd, and with a last crescendo, show all how to exit. With grace, peace and mercy? Definitely! Can we be eased into the last moment? Perhaps. And with all those forerunners before us that we talk about so much, it may be brutal to the last breath. Maybe.

God knows and will not put anything on us we cannot handle. Well, let’s not take this out of context, because Paul is dealing with temptations! (1 Corinthians 10:13) But the principle is probably equal to the moment. So, to me, this is the scary part. On one hand, I can take a lot. On the other hand, well, we all struggle with extremes and I’ve not been close to the ending.

Option Sellers

Option Sellers are waiting. They have answers you may not like. There exist choices that are not for you, but maybe you will reach like a drowning man for any flotsam.

How will you choose the best option?

“Life changes and challenges us quickly from quiet to raucous to peace to rambunctious… it’s never the same moment by moment. We must learn to react quickly to changes else you get left in the lurch. I’m changing moment by moment.” ~me (12/13/2019)

It’s sort of like this flight I’m on. It’s out of my control. I had made my choice for this airline, and the destination. In fact, I had air miles I used to get some “free” flights. My choice. But when the options do not work out, then I’m really stuck with no other options. Choices exist, but options are limited.

While in the air, the option sellers look at my landing time and realize I’ll miss my next flight. Automatically they booked me to a later flight 5 hours into the future, refunded my early boarding check-in fee, and hopefully I’ll find the flight to be on time in the future. At least I’ll have time to think this post through before I think about posting!

Look for that silver lining, and do not let the negative situation cast you into negative reactions. There are still choices and options to act and react better. It’s not the ending.

Rich, Young, Foolish

A young man who was rich, and considered a ruler, came to Jesus questioning him about eternal life. Jesus laid it out, and the young man said, “I’ve done it all!” Well, there’s one more thing. Sell everything. Give it to the poor. Come follow me. That rich, young, foolish man threw in the towel and went away sorrowful. He had a lot to lose.

Jesus said those with great riches struggle to enter the kingdom. Lord, who can be saved?

With men… it is impossible.
With God… All things are possible. (Mark 10:27)

I’ve never been faced with anything that’s Impossible in my personal life. With God, all things are Possible. It takes a lot of courage to simply trust God when it seems like nothing else will work. Click To Tweet

This is where I am today. Rejecting the impossibility of my limited view, and ready to accept the embracing scope of these words. God. With you. All things are possible.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!