Thank You Neon SignThank You - Action Speak Equally as Loud as Your Words

Were you taught to be thankful? For many, it is difficult to exhibit any form of thankfulness, and for varied reasons. Some are never taught to be polite – saying “Thank you” and “I appreciate it very much.” Others are never taught the value of connections. Still, I’m sure, others were never thanked for their contributions and hence do not own the words to reciprocate.

Being thankful is one thing. Speaking your thankfulness is totally different. Understanding it, and then speaking it… Both are ranges of our personality that needs to be addressed.

Being Thankful

Thousands of years ago, the psalmist penned these words.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
(Psalms 100:4 NKJV)

Notice his instructions compass multiple concepts. He instructs us to “enter”, and to simply “be”… Thankful. Your approach changes, and it changes things everywhere you go, and all that you do. Maybe it’s as simple as noting your surroundings with different views, but it’s necessary and important to have a view of “being” thankful.

When a server approaches my table, I can either be critical and demanding (words and tone!), or I can reach them in the middle. Perhaps they’ve just had a bad experience, or worked a long day and are looking forward to some downtime. Regardless, my approach helps me to help them to help me.

Back in the 80s, taking a swan-song drive through Alaska before mom and dad moved out, we stopped for coffee and pie at a famous road stop. The server was having a bad day, although we were the only ones in attendance. Determinedly, mom said, “I’m going to get her to smile!” She bragged on the pie and coffee, and finally, the server sort of smiled and said, “Thank Mrs. Smith…”! It was a frozen pie, but the win was her attitude changed!

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
~Willie Nelson

Speaking Your Thankfulness

Sometimes using words are the most difficult thing for us to do. It’s almost like we choke on the words, or we find them strange on our tongue. Perhaps it’s easier to use our actions, but remember this – two ears, one mouth, we are all conditioned to hear more than we speak. While you may be struggling to speak your thankfulness, others are doing their double down best to hear from you what they need.

It is another’s fault if he be ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give.
To find one thankful man, I will oblige a great many that are not so.
~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Perhaps you didn’t read it as I did, but Seneca says he will oblige many before he finds even one thankful person. He’s looking for someone he can reciprocate! Thankfulness begets Thankfulness! What goes around, comes around. Thankful speakers will find an unexpected reward!

Think With Me

Not just being, but speaking your thankfulness will unlock blessings to flow into your life. A haughty person does not often speak words of thankfulness. They are above you, and they are okay with it. But when we speak the words and mean them, this simple action will produce greater rewards.

I saw a headline this morning naming the 10 best sweethearts of a particular music genre. The headline grabbed my attention, but so did the sub-text! The article would reveal the 10 nastiest personalities of the same group. Which would you want to be like? Or reach out and support?

My personality wants to meet the sweethearts, but stay away from the nasty personalities – so, I did not read the article! Why? I’m focused on filling my mind, spirit, and attitude with good things. I don’t need the balance of your viewpoint!

Being thankful heaps praise on someone for the kindness or action they just did for you! Thankfulness is a form of praise!

Being thankful heaps praise on someone for the kindness or action they just did for you! Thankfulness is a form of praise! Click To Tweet

Praise elicits better actions and reactions. This helps everyone learn to be thankful and reciprocate thankfulness! Do we not all want a better world! Then, express your thankfulness and let your actions speak equally to your words!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!