You Never CallYou Never Call Anymore

Several years ago I started noticing something in my world. I was the one that mostly called every one, anyone – friends, family, or co-workers. Otherwise, I would probably drop off the end of the world and no one would know it… I seldom hear from others… Unless they needed something! Mostly, money! Or my time, skills, or listening ear.

Now. I’m not one to keep my phone turned on late into the evening. In fact, my personal rule is that I will not call you after 9 pm unless it’s an emergency. In fact, I would share this rule outward enough so those close to me would know I have an “end of the day” routine that does not include chatting on the phone.

Equally, my “morning routine” does not include chatting with others until after 9 am. Unless it’s an emergency.

If it’s an emergency, then, by all means, call, call, call…

Today I get to choose whether to answer, or not. With all the scam phone calls I refuse to answer unless I know who’s calling. Leave a voicemail message, then I’ll call you back if needed. Answering these calls lets the scammers know someone is there who may be available to a scam! If we are ever going to have a “phone relationship” then I need you in my contact database, and you need to have a valid caller-id!

For some of my contacts, today, we don’t even leave voicemails. The simple fact of your call showing up in my arena meant I would call you back as soon as I reached an opening in my schedule.

Back In The Day

Back in the day and you may not know this fact, but landlines could not be unplugged from the wall! They could only be installed and moved by an installer from the phone company. Ringers could not be turned off, only turned down. I regularly took phones apart, packed the ringers with cotton, and then covered with pillows so we would not hear them clatter for attention!

As a kid, I remember running to the phone in the hallway, or hanging on the wall in the kitchen, to answer! It was exciting. Today. I don’t even have my mobile phone ringer turned on. Ever. If you call me, then it vibrates. Even my watch. If I don’t feel the movement, then you had better leave me a message!

Equally, you may not remember this, but we did not have voice mail systems! It was not until I had been married about 10-15 years before I bought a voice mail system. They were simply huge devices! And they used cassette tapes to record, one for greeting, and another for stored messages. Of course, the only way you could wire them in was after your home (or office) had a system upgrade that gave you the ability to unplug your phone.

Technology! This world has changed dramatically! From party lines, switchboard operators, and lineman constantly working up the poles to move and install new service.

Who Do I Call?

My close list of regular phone contacts is with those who do not live close to me. You know who you are. I will even call if I don’t hear from you first, but those who are important to me know that I will connect up! If you are important, then I take your call… Love Caller-ID!

My sister and I called each other pretty regularly. More so during her retired years, since she was available during the daytime hours. My brothers and I talk infrequently. I’m thankful to still have my parents to trade talk time with!

My bride and I talk on the phone just about every day! Of course, it mostly revolves around commute time, but it’s important for that connection point to happen.

Spiritual Thought

So. Think of phone calls like prayer time. How often do you call God? Do you think he’s surprised at your absence? Is your conversation one-sided, or do you abide by the physiology of “two ears, one mouth”? You know. Listen more than your talk?

Throw your bible reading time into this. How often do you read God’s message to you? Why is this important? His Word speaks to me. Why? He is the Word!

“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not.”  
John 1:1-5 (KJV)

Of course, this scripture is not describing the Bible, rather, it’s describing the Logos, the Divine Expression of God. Only one person has this “title” and that’s the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world (Revelations 13:8, 19:3)

Where do I learn about God? From the Bible!

Think About It

Nearly 10 years ago, a man called me at random. I did not know him, and he did not know me. From a book of numbers he was calling people in other states to establish a connection with them. Albeit, the reason dealt around business interests, but as he was a minister, he was calling other ministers…to minister. Some received him, others did not. Still, some ask me to this day if I’m still connected with him.

I am… He’s a good friend who’s been there for me, and I’ve been there for him! Why? How? He reached out to me, and we’ve connected in a good way that benefits each other, and the Kingdom of God.

If I am going to call on God, and I do it often, then in my ignorance I will sometimes connect with him. But once connected, then I am the only one who will let that connection go. Why? He will never leave me, nor forsake me. (Psalms 27:9, Hebrews 13:5)

Through the years I’ve made connection with family, friends and co-workers, and we’ve kept this tether alive. It seems we know when the other needs us the most, and we reach out. “How did you know? I’m so glad you called me. I need someone….”

With God, my calls are often something I called Breath Prayers over 10 years ago. “To the Christian, even a sigh is a prayer.” ~Martin Luther Click To Tweet

With God, I’ve called them Breath Prayers. I wrote this blog nearly 10 years ago, and it’s been a life-saver to me. When no one else calls me, He never leaves me alone! If no one else wants to chat, then He’s always available. In fact. I go to Him first, long before I think about sharing with others!

Where Do You Go?

Where do I go when there’s nobody else to turn to?
Who do I turn to when nobody wants to listen?
Who do I lean on when there’s no foundation stable?
I go to the Rock, I know He’s able, I go to the Rock!
~Dottie Rambo

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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