Spoonfuls of SpicesSpices of Life

Some believe that “variety is the spice of life.” Perhaps this is you, but I’m not so sure about me! I’m a salt, pepper and cinnamon kind of person. I’m not sure what all those other spices are used for!

But this is not what I’m thinking about today. As the world around me evolves, I fall back into a nostalgia mode of wanting things more from my youth, than the stuff found in today’s life. You know, those old spices of the past that mean more today than you could imagine them meaning when you first experienced them.

An old fashioned BB gun, my red rubber knife, even my first (or second) car. I would love to drive down Navigation Boulevard and smell that fresh coffee roasting smell that wafts across the Houston Ship Channel. Let’s see. I was only 3, 4, or maybe 5 years old! What industrial smells?

Could I even enjoy a simple read of an old Hardy Boy storyline? Would I even enjoy opening a box of model parts and assemble something to display? How about playing in the woods around a pond, enjoying the escape? Let’s hang out in the barn, okay?!!?

It’s not that I’m not interested in new technologies, or a new residence, or even a trip to some new, far off, destination. However, there’s something very rewarding where you enjoy those ancient memories of the past in current real-time mode.

My Thought For Today

Some know what they want to “spice” up their life. With gusto, they move in a direction that satisfies their yearning. Constantly spending time, money and attention outward, it’s like they are reaching for that galaxy of stars. Will they ever be satisfied? Probably not. Why? As soon as the dream is reached, then the next bauble pops us! Look! There’s something new to reach for!

I understand this very well. When it comes to driving – what’s down that road, around the next bend, or even over the next rise in the road. So, you keep “spicing” things up to the point you never seem to enjoy those simple pleasures of the past. Like…that first time I got to drive the car to the grocery store down the street, park at the far end of the lot, all the while, no Driver’s License!

Somewhere, and somehow, we need to narrow our focus to those things that bring the most enjoyment to life.

What spices of life are most enjoyable? It’s unique to you.

Some like the idea of visiting every Walmart on the horizon. Shudder! We had friends visit us in Alaska and their first destination of choice? Walmart. “This one’s different than ours! Do you only have two? We have dozens!”

I told someone recently, a castle is a castle, just like any other castle. Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all! Unless there is history to research, then I’m happy never walking into another castle every again!

Others want a new car every year. Yikes! For decades, I’ve analyzed the new crop of cars that roll off the assembly line. If you think about it, other than something that fits what you need today, there’s not much difference any longer. They all look roughly the same. And they are getting wildly expensive. I priced out a new Dodge Ram Truck like mine, only with all the new bells and whistles that mine does not have. It would cost me about $80,000… Holy Moly!

Recently, I received a special gift of coffee. As in, a candle that smells like coffee! It’s so strong I don’t even have to light it…just remove the lid for a few moments! I’m translated back in time. My sister had a candle that smelled like a pipe loaded with sweet tobacco wafting in the air. I remember someone with a pipe and definitely remember how good that smell was.

Samples and Examples

I’ve learned that “something new” is not what I might need. Have you ever thought about “needs” vs “wants”? When they are diametrically opposed then we are always reaching for something we might think of as a “need”, unable to determine if it’s what we “want”.

What I want is what I need – something that grounds me. I love the examples from others that teach me how to enjoy just being in the moment with someone I care for.

Let me give you a couple of samples and examples.

Growing Up

Growing up, I had an aunt and uncle who sat next to each other on the bench seat of their truck, driving down country roads as if they were on their first date. I’m sure they were older than dirt, and probably in their 70s’ at the time. But this is the Old Spice of life I think is important!

I can think of nothing more important than this, my bride, my spice of life! We love to just simply be with each other, sitting around, not doing much of anything important. Simply being. Together. All the time!

Family Reunions – I realize now how much my kids have missed out not getting to know the huge family I belong to. Aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, in-laws and out-laws.

Going to the Country – Whether it was in Ace, or on Murvaul Lake, heading to the grandparents to sleep on pallets on the floor, eat around tables built for lots of folks, and simply enjoy the country life. No entertainment, even those things we accepted as normal back home! Simple life.

Collecting Soda Bottles – Yes, we found them up and down the road, putting them in our baskets and barrels, and turning them in for penny candy, BB’s, and other trinkets. I remember them being worth 2, 3, 4 pennies, and finally a nickel!

Singing Around the Piano – We would visit family, and eventually, the songbooks opened, and someone sat at the piano, and we sang every song we knew!

Wahoo! – An old board game of dice, marbles, taking turns moving from home to the ending safe zone. My grandmother later told us “cheating” was okay if you didn’t get caught! Of course, there were many other games – Dominoes, 42, Crying Rummy, Parcheesi, Hug-a-hug-a Handful, and the like.

Simple Spices Last the Longest

If we could ever learn earlier in life – chasing the latest “spice” is not necessarily the best thing for us, then maybe we could settle into that routine that keeps us grounded for personal success. Reach for your first goal, and either enjoy the success or do you then push to the next goal? When will enough success be enough?

Life's Early Lesson: Chasing the latest "spice" is not necessarily the best thing for us. Don't settle for less, but know what "spice" will be there when you reach the ending. That's Personal Success! Click To Tweet

We are examples of success and failure. To ourselves. Our family. Friends. And strangers afar. When they see the spice of life challenge us then they choose to follow or take a different path. Many a successful person loses those close to them as they follow the bright lights.

Teaching by example! We all need great examples! Looking for successful balance that keeps the “main thing the main thing.”

That’s the simple spice I think we need.

Spiritual Thought

God told Jacob to keep the word of the law in his heart, mind, and words. (Joshua 1) That equals Success! David told Solomon the same thing! (1 Kings 2:3) Solomon sums up his life like this:

My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands;
For length of days and long life
And peace they will add to you.
Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.

Honor the LORD with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine.
My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the LORD loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom he delights.
Proverbs 3:1-12 NKJV)

Everywhere Jesus told everyone the same concept. All the time! Maybe we need to redefine the spices of our lives and ground ourselves in those things that will mean the most when life approaches the end.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!