Don’t Put It OffDon’t Put It Off

Someone said it, a long time ago: “Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Great advice, but so many of us fail to heed it’s warning. We think there will always have time to take care of the advice at some future date and time.

Watch out. Don’t Put It Off!

There was a day I thought I had plenty of time to finish my degree, lose weight, pick up a new hobby, or have a better relationship with someone that is now important to me.

Watch out. Don’t Put It Off!

Back in the day I thought I would eventually get “it” done, you know, read the classics, finish my collection, enjoy my spare time. There was a time when I thought the future would have some spare moments to do what needed to be done, you know, before the future showed me an aging body and a tired metabolism

Watch out. Don’t Put It Off!

Key Words

Key Words we all know? Regret. Remorse. Missing the mark. Right. Wrong. Choices!

You get to choose to make complete sentences in as simple a way as possible. When your schedule is full, the path offered is wrong for you, or if it goes against your grain… you get to choose.

Yes. No. Both are complete sentences. No explanation needed.

Watch out. Don’t Put It Off!

You will never hear a deathbed confession say, “If only I had more time to work an 80 hour week…” Often, I’ve heard those nearing the end lament they never took the time to smell the roses, take some time off, tell someone how much they meant to them. Kenneth French, missionary to Alaska, was heard praying, Just One More Church, as he came close to the ending of life.

How will you regret your last days? Will you know you’ve done all the most important things in life, or will you be full of regret.

Here’s My Thought

There is no time like the present to start working on the things you do not want to regret when the end comes. This does not mean you skip out on your responsibilities, rather you choose the most important goals and change the direction of your sails!

I heard one successful business owner say, “Make a list of the 100 most important things you have to do. Now focus on the top 3 and forget all the others.” Think about it. What would your top three items be?

Paul reached the end of his life and said:

“My life is coming to an end, and it is now time for me to be poured out as a sacrifice to God.

I have fought the good fight…completed the race…kept the faith.’

The prize that shows I have God’s approval is now waiting for me. The Lord, who is a fair judge, will give me that prize on that day. He will give it not only to me but also to everyone who is eagerly waiting for him to come again.”  
2 Timothy 4:6-8 (GW)

Practice your ending statement today. Think it through. Plan your path. Do what’s important and necessary. You will never be faulted for keeping your face pointed to those important nuggets of life.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!