Break Time!Break Time!

Yes. We all need breaks and retreats from our busy life. This is how we stay sane and healthy! What I’m talking about today is never taking a break from “who, what and why” you are who you are!

I know the answers to these items, but have you ever felt like you would simply like to take a break from who you are for just a little bit? Maybe you’re not thinking about setting your hair on fire and going on a binge, but turning off the radar that keeps you looking for opportunities to be “you” everywhere you are.

For me, truly, it’s about watching out for those around me. Those that step on my toes, as well as those in need of something. When I take a long walk through the woods I may not have to take “you” into consideration, but there are equally weird dangers to become aware of.

What Am I Talking About

We’ve all learned how to turn people off when we are not in the mood, or cannot abide with their distraction. Sitting in plain view of everyone, and trying to get something done, it seems everyone wants to drop by and check in on me, what’s happening, or bring a need to my attention. That’s generally okay, but when the thing I’m focused on will slow down what I’m responsible for, then it’s not okay to take my attention away.

Ouch. That hurts! But it’s the reality we all live in. Put a knife in your hand and do some intricate carving on some vegetable for dinner, well, you don’t need little Johnny hurling himself at your legs with tears in his voice and struggles written all over that loving face! There are time, place and space for interruptions. True. Yet, we all realize we must learn to respond to the needs before it blossoms into something bigger than a few tears.

Has it happened to you?

I put this out into social media early this morning because it happened to me yesterday.

‪I’ve been mulling over something from yesterday.
An older passenger said,
“I deserve to be blessed…I need a blessing…” and it put me on guard.
She had just lost her wallet, cash, boarding pass.
Whimpering, she occupies the seat next to me for 4 hr flight. #WhatWouldYouDo

What would you do? I’m tired. Distracted. Hating the idea of someone sitting next to me when there are many open seats all around (not a full flight), and I’m needing some private space to unwind. Downtime. Mental vacation, but getting geared up for weekend responsibilities. Perhaps even (gasp!) a power nap because I will still have a two-hour drive once I land.

Here’s what most of us know.

There is no such time as a vacation from who we are! Our nature and nurturing spirit wakes up and becomes alert to the moment. Our own personal needs get put on the back burner. Unless it doesn’t. Then, you react as I did, and you probably would… Earplugs, mindless noise to block the chatter, and a book to fill up your mind with words that mean nothing.

Why? The passenger kept letting me know she was there – hogging the armrest, bumping into my shoulder, moving around constantly and disturbing my desire for peace and quiet!

What Would You Do?

Most of us handle these issues differently than anyone we can name. A short leg of my flight previously had me sitting by a gentleman returning home with so many interesting tales. I spent an hour getting to know him, his history, and the amazing events of his life. We broke the bread of fellowship and conversation! It was refreshing and a great way to spend an hour!

Toward the end of the flight, just as our refreshment arrived (Good Coffee!), my head starting swimming from focusing sideways, sweat started pouring, my face flushed, and I just knew there was not enough oxygen on the plane to keep me from passing out!

Really! It seldom happens, but I knew it was overload! Friend, if you read this and you were next to me between Hobby and Love fields, well, you were not the problem! I was the problem. The closed-in space of the narrowed seats, closed windows, inadequate A/C… Well, they were conspiring to take me out!

So. On my next leg of the journey, I should have been more patient with who was sitting next to me. But it’s been a week of sensory overload and thoughts about the future, and I needed my own personal space. I could not be my “normal me” for the needs of others. Selfish? Sure. Did I need my private turtle space? Shell up and guarded against everyone and everything. Yes.

Here’s My Thought

I’ve written about this often. But lately, it seems to be rising to the surface more often. Can we always be to everyone else what “they” need? Do they matter? Sure. But what about my needs?

Jesus tells us that there are two laws that are more important than any other. Laws. Not suggestions! In fact, they are the foundation for everything else! Foundation. Think about it.

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment
in the law of Moses?”
Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart,

all your soul, and all your mind.’
This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important:
Love your neighbor as yourself.
The entire law and all the demands of the prophets

are based on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:36-40 NLT)

Come on! Doesn’t this beg you to question what this truly means? Love? What is love? God? Who is God and how do I show my love to him? Neighbor? How do I define my neighbor? Don’t we get to pick and choose the timing? Or must we always be “turned on” to the foundation of our lives?

Since we’ve confused the action of Love to include adoration, lust, kindness, and a host of other definitions for animate and inanimate items, I guess we need to dig deeper. However, that’s not my purpose right now. Think about it. My neighbor (from my example) sat next to me and needed some kindness. Did I show it? Or ignore her and focus on me, myself, and I. (I call this my own holy trinity!)

It’s Not About Sales

It’s not about selling, but Zig Ziglar, a man who was ahead of his time, but probably had a pretty good spiritual take on what it means to be there for others.

Powerful words for more than just selling a product or service: “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” ~Zig Ziglar Click To Tweet

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” ~Zig Ziglar

Jesus teaches that you get what you give. And what you receive is based on what you give. Be generous and the return will be great! Be stingy, and you will barely be able to see what you receive (my interpretation!).

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you.
Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.
Give, and you will receive.
Your gift will return to you in full—
pressed down, shaken together to make room for more,
running over, and poured into your lap.
The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”
(Luke 6:37-38 NLT)

The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Give your all to your cause and you expect great payback. The same is true with our investments, career, and relationships. Even to God, or a fellow Christian! But to the stranger? Sure. Why not?

From my first leg of the journey, and I cannot tell you his name, I opened up a conversation that simply wowed my seatmate and I. Equally! It was a blessing. He shared an experience that is getting turned into a movie revolving around connections that happen from complete strangers that tie together generations and legacies.

What we often receive is not an immediate reward, but that connection that helps down the road. Some give it names like “Paying it Forward”, but it is truly being blessed by what we choose to give.


Do we need a break from the busy times? Pauses? Time outs? Y-E-S!!!! But sometimes, in the middle of the break, we may desperately need, alongside our place in the world comes another person who is needing you and me to pause from our break and be that person we are. Payback is not immediate, nor rewarding in the sense that we expect, but somewhere in the future? You will be the one needing a blessing and to be blessed as you sit next to someone…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!