Waiting Room FeetWaiting Room Feet

The older I get the more I realize waiting rooms are the normal existence for too many. Recently it was in preparation for my own knee surgery. Today, it’s a dialysis waiting room. Not for me, but a friend who really needs a kidney… something to pray about.

I’ve been in many waiting rooms. Visiting someone in prison, waiting to be called to my own appointment, or waiting for news on someone else beyond the doors.

There’s generally not much to do. A TV jabbering nonsense perched over a reading table, which, by the way, I seldom touch. Common reading material in a waiting room that may have many sick folks around! Just saying! Germs are easier to catch than to get rid of!

There are few folks here. Drivers and deliveries coming and going. Very poor cell coverage and no WIFI. So, I turn my attention to a common puzzle, braving the germaphobic view I have of common reading material… well, I’m drawn to the table and sit.

Puzzle in Waiting Room
Puzzle in Waiting Room

“Reach out and touch someone” comes to mind.  So  I sit and wait…

What do you do in waiting rooms? Fear, worry or fret? Depends. Why are you there? For yourself, or someone else? Why not make good use of your time and bring some peace and comfort to the room? Click To Tweet

Eventually a lady walks out of the treatment room, wanders over, and joins me at the table. For the next 20 minutes I do what I do… open up and talk. 

There is so much listening that needs to be done as others face their trials. A warm shoulder for someone to hold on to. A caring attitude. Even a willing ear. Even a breath of prayer.

Isn’t this what we all need sometimes. The issues we face are unique to us but common to all. It would be wise to be involved with others because the day will come when we may be on the other side of the wall.  

Who will be there to listen to you?

That being said, having friends and family is nice, but the attention of a total stranger is a welcome moment.  Angels unaware comes to mind. You simply never know…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!