Most of us think about the New Year as something that allows us to check the status of our past, how to make progress going forward, and identify specifically what we want to see different.

I’m not one to promote the accomplishments and failures of the past, but I do believe in this thought that’s been taking my mind left and right, forward and backward, up and down. In other words, it’s been a 360-degree thinking week.

It is important to end well,
no matter how you started last year.
By knowing where you Were and Are
You can know Where you have been going.

Progressed, or Digressed,
Or simply held your own.
Regardless, the new year is upon us.
Plant yourself, Plan, Equip, Aim…
Let’s go!

We are not living in times where it’s okay to have slippage. Especially at my age. Retiring years are upon me and I must make sure my investments stay secure and not retreat! The same can be said about health, relationships, security and a host of other ideas.

If ever there was a time to keep focusing forward, this is the time to think it through and put our shoulder to the Wheel of Life, and push, push, push! Share on X

There is nothing behind us but destruction and gloom. Ahead of us there is hope, light, joy, and peace that will pass all understanding. Life will not be easy, no, it continues to be difficult to decipher. It is a tough road to trod in paths of uncertainty.

Still. I don’t want to cower, or wish for the past, or pull an ostrich move when I need to be at my best. It’s time to stand up and face every day with grit and determination to find success! It’s time to not let disappointments slow us down!

It’s like Israel as they were leaving captive Egypt. They had dealt with 400 years of bondage – not immediate bondage, but a steady tightening of the noose around their neck that they were constrained by a nation who was fearful of their numbers and only saw them as their slaves. They pray and cry for deliverance. When it came time for the Deliverer to lead, it took Moses 80 years from Birth until the time he was prepared to face Pharaoh.

By the time they leave, they are more like their captors than they thought. There was comfort in their situation that was primarily focused on the familiarity of their plight.

…For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians,
than that we should die in the wilderness. (Exodus 14:12)

Do you see? Victory is not an overnight success. 80 years from the time of his birth until he stood before Pharaoh crying out, “Let My People Go!”

Instant release is not gained today just because the deliverer has shown up. Life is lived. Babies are born. People pass on. Still, life is a burden within the tightening noose. But Finally,… “Let My People Go” is the rallying cry of the Deliverer.

When all the plagues and the challenges are completed, Pharaoh relents and Israel takes spoil of the defeated foe and leaves for the promised land.

The challenges of life are not over. There are more issues than you could shake a stick at! They must get on their way lest Pharaoh has a change of heart. God provides miracles and speeds them along. In front of them is an insurmountable barrier, and as they approach it, someone looks over their shoulder and sees that the army of Egypt is hard on their heels.

Finally, Pharaoh himself and 600 chariots overtake them. All seems to be lost. But God speaks to their deliverer… There is a plan…

What is God’s plan?

I often realize that we all make plans without considering God’s plan.
We see the future, we lay out a path,
we equip ourselves with the tools and supplies required,
and then, like the intrepid explorer,
we strike out for the unknowable future.
Prepared, at least in our own eyes,
but not even thinking about God’s plan for us.

This is when Israel cries out to Moses… “We told you to leave us alone. It would have been better to stay where we were than to face this uncertain future!” (Exodus 14:10-12)

But God had a plan! So Moses tells the people that God will fight for them! Stand still. Let’s see the salvation (plan) of God!

We all know the story. Moses follows God’s instruction, stretches out his rod over the Red Sea, and the waters retreat on either side and they will cross the once thought impossible barrier on dry land! (Exodus 14:13-15)

But there are some steps that will take place before the Miracle occurs. Something new is going to happen!

God moves the Cloud that had been leading them in the daytime from in front of them, to behind them, to separate them from the Egyptians.

And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel,
moved and went behind them;
and the pillar of cloud went from before them
and stood behind them.
So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel.
Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one,
and it gave light by night to the other,
so that the one did not come near the other all that night.
(Exodus 14:19-20 NKJV)

What confuses Egypt was perfect vision for Israel.

Think about it. This is what separates us from those who do not allow for God’s Victory! Paul tells us that “…the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1 Corinthians 1:25)

We are alive in a time when everything Godly is being torn down and we are feeling the noose tighten around our existence.

Here’s our key! Our deliverer has already come.

  • It took nearly 80 years of Moses growing to the point that he could challenge Pharaoh.
  • It’s been nearly 300 years since the Revival fires began in our newly formed country with the like of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield.
  • It’s been between 100-200 years since the revival fires of spiritual awakening swept the world by the like of DL Moody, James McGready and CG Finney.
  • In 1905 Billy Sunday began preaching and it is estimated that he reached more than 100 million people! Long before the Internet!
  • It’s been longer than 100 years that the church reestablished itself at Azusa Street with William Seymour. Our Pentecostal movement is formed!
  • It’s been since 1949 when Billy Graham began preaching and in more than 400 crusades, he reached 180 million people!

There have been other revivals of spiritual awakening, but it almost seems like today we are in a holding pattern. But wait! Our deliverance showed up in a manger, and paid the price with his own blood, and sent his presence back to us as the Holy Spirit to equip us to live.

Our Deliverance has come! It’s been 2,000 years or so and it seems we are in a self-induced holding pattern waiting for something big to happen!

Here’s one more piece of the story with Israel. When all began to happen, God told Moses: “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. (Exodus 14:15 NKJV)

If we could only understand! The way out of many of our dilemmas is to simply Go Forward! We have all we need for understanding how to be successful!

Plant yourself, Plan, Equip, Aim… Now… Go!

Michael Gurley

When are we going to celebrate our Deliverance?

How are we going to go through our Red Sea experience and come out ready to challenge the world? But wait. Israel wandered for 40 years because of their continued disbelief. I realize it took a generation of time for the old ways of living to pass off the scene before the next generation was prepared to Go Forward! Imagine all those who have been praying and waiting for deliverance back in Egypt, and now they can only wander about until they are old and pass from the scene having not seen the longterm results of their travail…

I feel like we are some of them. We’ve wandered aimlessly. We have the tools. We have the Spirit. We are content to keep living life the same way as the past dictates.

What does it take for us to move Forward? 
How can we have our own personal Revival?

I found several studies that point me to conclude as many students of the History of Revival indicate.

  • TIMING:  Revivals emerge during times of spiritual and moral decline, which leads to intense prayer. But in the interim, we do not lose faith. We keep Praying for a national renewal!
  • PRAYER:  God puts a longing into the hearts of many to pray for revival. We travail for the time of renewal! Prayer is not something done only in the House of God, but as Paul teaches, we do it without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
  • THE WORD:  The preaching or reading of God’s Word brings deep conviction and desire for Christ. But we are in a time of very little focus on the Word and are destroyed because we reject God’s Word. (Hosea 4:6)
  • THE HOLY SPIRIT:  The Holy Spirit takes people to a spiritual depth they could not achieve on their own. It strengthens their faith. It increases their love for others, because, after all, Jesus teaches us to love! It helps them to be sensitive to the needs that surround us all, every single day. It quickens us to reach the hurting and brings to mind the Word that we have stored in our heart to keep us from sin.
  • CONVICTION:  Affected sinners and even cold saints are inconsolable except in Christ.
  • GLORY FOR GOD: God receives praise, honor, and glory for bringing revival.

This is simply a pattern that most Spiritual Revivals and Renewals have taken. There are many steps to the process, but these identify the starting steps.

What are you willing to do for Revival in 2019?

I can do nothing about the Timing, but I can do something about the Prayer, Word, Being deep in the Spirit. This starts with ME.

I can no nothing about the conviction of sinners, but I can Give Glory to God for all I do, and for all I am. I can let my light shine, be the example of a believer…

I cannot force Revival, but I can be ready to reach a dying world as they slide off into eternity en masse. I cannot duplicate past results, but I know personal Prayer and study of God’s Word produces the connection to Him to help me persevere. I cannot worry about the timing, or the cycles that we all seem to face when going through times of refreshing, but I can personally be ready for the day it occurs!


What are you saying, Pastor? Revival begins with me. Are you ready for revival?

Here’s my thought for this new year. Start it out correctly! Purpose in your heart to put God’s plan to work long before you focus on your plan. Here’s a scripture to think through.

The preparations of the heart in man,
and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.
All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes;
but the LORD weigheth the spirits.
Commit thy works unto the LORD,
and thy thoughts shall be established…
…A man’s heart plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.
(Proverbs 16:1-3,9 KJV)

You can lay out all your plans of life, and do it without giving any thought to God’s involvement. Or, you can plan with God working through you to accomplish that which you would never have been able to accomplish on your own! It’s your choice. Which way do you choose?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!