Barbara Simmons GurleyBarbara Simmons Gurley

What is that earliest special day you remember?

Birthday? Christmas? Going to that favorite theme park? We all have days that we remember that wrap around our own little world, but what about the people that provide those days for you?

Of course, I’m talking about our parents. Some of our earliest memories revolve around the care provided by these special people. True, I remember my grandparents from afar, aunts, uncles, even cousins, but these day to day parents are the ones that provided the most. When you think about it, they went through a lot of life working for you to be the best you possible!

I still have some of the birthday, thank-you and “get well” gifts from family members, but what I cherish the most are those early memories from my parents.

Today is my mom’s birthday.

Mom and dad have their birthdays in the same month, although dad was born a few years earlier. He’s at the beginning of the month. She’s at the end of the month. And their wedding anniversary is at the end of March, so all their major date memories are close to each other. And Mother’s Day is often a week or so following mom’s birthday and is close to her own mom’s birthday, so everything seems to get jumbled together.

She’s 2500 miles away…so it’s not a simple visit. I always make a point of love to call every special day. Back in 1995, or thereabouts, I was able to surprise her on a major birthday. 60th, I think. Wait. I’m older than that now! Yes. We are only 20 years and a few months separated by age. Well, I pretended I was in Alaska and called her from the hallway of my brothers’ church in Texas to wish her Happy Birthday… And then I walked in, hugged her, wished her happy birthday and taught the Sunday morning bible class with her in the audience! Special memory…and probably the most special birthday celebrations I remember. My brother helped make this happen and I appreciated the teamwork!

Today is her special day. It does not take money or gifts to satisfy her…only a simple phone call. If you read this before I get to the call, then don’t tell her I’m calling….

Love you mom…!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!