I’m not addicted to Twitter. Nope. Not one bit. However, I do enjoy reading a brief and concise post telling me something that’s happening around the world. You know, the Summary without all the Detail (yesterday’s post). Then, intrigued, maybe I’ll check out the Details. I’ve trimmed out all the News reports that have nothing to do with local events in my little corner of the world. I’ve squeaked away from all the negative and fake news reports, no matter their source. I’m tired of the tidbits of downers! But I also don’t want to live on uppers. Give me the middle road so I can choose my path!

You can control the flow. Simply put a stopper in it!

There are a few folks I enjoy reading and following. Partly it has to do with relationships, and on the flip side, I enjoy their train of thought. Connecting tidbits of information from today through several yesterdays, if you get me intrigued, then I’ll click on your connection and read backward for the time that it interests me. There’s “gold in dem der hills!”

I’ve worked on controlling my flow of data in Twitterverse. I want to say something of value and love it when someone takes notice. But if it ever gets to the point of simply wasting my time then I’ll go into Travel Mode and start posting scary nature pictures or something to get your attention!

In fact, I’m so thoughtful about my postings in Twitterland that I even put them on the right side of my blog. You never know when what you are reading is connected to something I’ve tweeted or replied to!

Anyway… Just a few thought thoughts from the past few days in Twitterworld.

  • When life gives you Lemons, When load seems too heavy, When nothing flows just right, When you second guess on everything, When no one is listening or seeming too care, That’s not the time to quit, cry uncle, or throw in towel Pick self up, get back in the race! That’s life!
  • Getting to the ending of life adequately prepared is a life-long pursuit of making every moment count, consistently adding to our bank of knowledge and experience, and not quitting too soon. The Journey is Our Destination, good experiences and not so good. Keep Moving Forward!
  • “Live like no else today, so you can live like no one else tomorrow.” ~ If we were taught this from birth it may just make sense if we were to see others living it in all age brackets!
  • Everything we are presented with has an opportunity to be life or death to our lives. It lives or dies based on the filters we use to consider the opportunity. What are the filters that keep you from God? What are the filters that draw you into His presence? You know the answer!
  • Silent and Listen are two words that use the same letters. Shhhh! And you will hear. If only the jabbering noise of this world could comprehend!
  • Inclusion demands everyone accepted. Reality says even the included ones will draw a line in the sand to exclude others. Test it.
  • “Next time you’re alone-Working thru the issues of life-Pull up another Chair/Invite God to join you-Listen! 1Chair is not enough.” ~ Imagine if all your decisions were based only what resides in the gray matter between your ears…
  • When you are in the limelight there is no such thing as grieving in private. Can you imagine all your words and feelings being picked at by the media and the world?
  • After all is said and done, more is said than done (Aesop). Be more than a hearer of the Word; be a doer (James 1:22). @RevKenGurley 
  • Despair is a real feeling, I’m sure, but there are ways to combat the enemy of life. Stand. Keep standing. Do not quit, nor fall back, or look for an easy way out. Keep the faith. Do not give in, or give up. Faith wins in the end.
  • “You can learn by anothers experience, or by your own experience.” I wonder what’s best. Sometimes I learn only by what I go through because I do not have a voice speaking into my life to learn by anothers experience. I learn by doing. Get over it! Learn by another!
  • Greener grass comes to those who constantly work where they are planted. Work harder on making your field a greener experience. Too many simply kill the grass where they end up, while looking for greener fields… This I’m convinced of! Roving Grass Killers are everywhere!
  • The only way you have junk in your life is because you picked it up and carried it forward! Hebrews 12:1.
  • Quit trying to move in circles that you are not the integral former of. The experience will fail miserably, and you will feel the loss. Those in the circle will never miss you… I’m just saying, you are not meant to be approved of others who have no business squeezing you out!
  • You trained all your life for such a moment as now. You have been hardened for such a battle as today. You only step back from your highest personal challenge when you do not see that you are one short hurtle from victory! Join the battle! Win your war!

Get the drift? I’m pretty focused on what my Tweets are used for. My Pinned Tweet that always shows up at the top of all my Tweets says, ”

At some point, you realize what you are doing is what God intended for you. Enjoy the calling. Stretch your wings and fly with it. You were made especially for your situation... Click To Tweet


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!