Writers Write…and Readers Read

I have been writing these blogs for a while.

There are 2,000+ blog posts on my various blogging platforms that represent how I look at life, what I think about the things around me, and what my values consist of. Who I am. What I believe. And how I try to live my life. There is no fiction, only some faulty memory modules that may not be clearly recalled these years later.

Others can write hundreds of pages, and everything dovetails together. My process requires a lot of editing, even “updating” a post several times even after it’s been published. When I read and re-read, my editing eyes catch errors even if I think I’ve caught all of them. Sometimes my fingers fly down the keyboard faster than my words, and then sometimes, my brain rewrites the sentence in my mind, and my fingers never get the message.

Still, I enjoy writing.
And thinking, researching, and sharing!
What I write is not for every person, but then I do not write for others. I write for me.

Though a perpetual student, I am not through with learning. Whether I pay for a class (or degree) or find information to enlarge my foundation, I’m always enjoying the process of learning. Some things come easy. Others are difficult. Others are hard-won victories after hours of application.

At the end of my day, if I could record my experiences (some call this journaling), and save it into a composite view of my life, then perhaps I could end up with a bible of information. In the early morning, I write based on how my brain works overnight. Yes… Even when I’m asleep, my brain is working. It never seems to stop. As I’ve prayed for a word or thought from God, my first impression in the morning has given me something to write every day for the past several months.

I am seldom at a loss for words. Only I find that sometimes my words do not need to be uttered. If you follow me back through my years of public school, you may find that writing has been a part of everything I am for nearly 60 years. Writing computer code in over 30 languages must be included, as well as project documentation and application published notes. My college production would never meet the number of words or lines of my computing career, but I did learn how to share my thoughts with the class and instructor.

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As I have been a proponent for jotting down lists, making notes, and finding a way to keep thoughts fresh, I know that the longer I physically write, the sloppier my writing becomes!

Hence I am a strong proponent of typing the words… My highest speed has been 110 words per minute with seldom an error… I wish I knew how fast my brain worked because my fingers never caught up to the thought. And this is why I would much rather read a work than watch or listen because my eyes work faster than my ears!

But there is something to be said for taking a slower approach and being willing to write the words down on paper. Imagine those older days when the words were elaborately scripted with homemade ink and paper! Making multiple copies of the books that were widely distributed required meticulously copying from a master copy into a new book.

We now replicate copies with ease! Even digitally, we copy and sell books by the gazillions.

In Paul’s last known writing, he pens instructions to Timothy. He will soon be dead at the hands of Nero but is still hoping for a more positive connection. He still has work to do. Missions to go on. Churches to plant. Souls to witness to. Those last few words to Timothy include this:

The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus,
when thou comest, bring with thee,
and the books, but especially the parchments. (2 Timothy 4:13 KJV)

Bring my cloke. It’s damp in prison. Bring the books (unknown which he may be describing, and could easily be a scroll). But especially bring the parchments. Those ancient sheepskin documents are treasured. Imagine what Paul is asking for and what effort it will take to bring everything to him! Imagine what it took to create them! Thousands of years ago!

Maybe what I write will never be treasured like those writings of Paul. But we will never know…especially if I never write!

Writers Write: How fast is our brain? Our fingers never catch up to the thought. This is perhaps why a writer would much rather read than watch or listen… Our brain works faster than our eyes, ears or fingers! Share on X

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!