I Write For Me

There are a few people I love to hear
Preaching. Teaching. Explaining (Lucy?)
I get value and can’t help but take notes.
Leave me alone and let me absorb.

Yesterday, I took notes in an app
Pasted a picture, bulleted some points,
Referencend some scripture,
…and realized, I love to intercept the words
and write them down…

Yes. There are apps for this.
Maybe they’ll grow on me
But what I hear that I think I like
I want to write them down and
Later I’ll study again.

Okay. I do this with screen prints.
A saying, a task, a poem or song
Some phrase, or even an event.
Snap….Future thought in the making.

Many times, Jesus taught while sitting…
And many listened while they sat.
It’s almost as if you give and receive
Better from that position of repose.

Sunday after all was said and done,
I sat down to write.
I reviewed my notes and screen prints,
And knew this day was just for me.
What whas shared was what I needed
What I acquired is mine to give.

Ask yourself this thought…who did you last sit down to hear? Was it productive? If so, what did it make you do?

Me? I left a Super Bowl party just agathering
And found a little coffee shop hole
To drink my brew, and think it through.
I sat down to write to you.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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