A family tree with fruit and branches
Confluence and Convergence

I’m not sorry that I find words fascinating.
With the combination of letters and sounds,
We communicate from the low-brow grunts
To the high-flaunting words that few comprehend.

Since most of my reading revolves around electronic books,
The tools are handy for highlighting words, clicking and researching,
And suddenly, I experience the wonder of knowledge
Those things that were, well, they are now here and have changed my focus.

The history of words. Etymology is the study of the roots of words
And their uses and changes as time evolves.
If you are lucky, there’s documentation where it was first used.
Suddenly, I’m a researcher in love with my task.

I can get lost in the corridors of dusty thoughts.

Confluence is where two water bodies of equal size cross and merge.
Convergence is where dissimilar flows merge
To become one without distinction between the two.
Language, science, math, air masses, peoples, boundaries, and borders.
These and more are documented by these two words.
Confluence. Convergence. They are different but very similar.

A hint of study.
The beginning letters “con-…” often have the meaning of “with” or “together”
“In…” is used at the beginning or end of a word to mean inclusion.
“Dis…” or “Un..” often relates to opposites or separation.

Now, imagine the generations of confluence, convergence, influence, divergent…
All that history that exists to produce you.
Unique identities of individuals, here, there, and far away.
Each with their own history and ideas of how the world exists.

It has been stated that it takes upwards of 400 years of such mergers
To produce the unique person you call “me.”
Nine generations. 2048 direct descendents.
If there is any divergence, you are no longer here.
Loose the influence through time, you are no longer here.

You are the result of Confluence and Convergence!

As the thought deepens, realize, you are not here by accident.
Nor do you procreate just because you can.
There’s a pathway from the past, moving through you to the future,
Maybe we should think this through.
Let’s be intentional in how we live to honor our past,
And the choices we make to create a worthy future.

Can you document your merged existence of who you are
Or where you came from??
Few know the past and are clueless about the present.
But the New Testament starts first by giving the genealogy of history
In outline form only, of how Jesus Christ came to exist.
There’s a lo of story with each generation.

The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:
So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations.
(Matthew 1:1,17 NKJV)

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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