Boggle Game Letter Cubes IDK
Unknown Uknowns

The James Webb space satellite tells us things we didn’t know we didn’t know. Now that we know, do we know it all? I doubt it. Space, bigger than we thought, is moving at different speeds within space than we knew, and after knowing, I wonder if we knew anything before.

Space has more mysteries than we can shake a stick at.

Each morning, I peruse news headlines. If it’s interesting enough to read, I click to see what they say. Too often, the headline bleeds with the possibility of telling me something I didn’t know. After reading, I frequently think I cannot undo what I now know and wish it had stayed an unknown unknown.

In other words, there’s much wasted time spent on “news.”

Donald Rumsfeld make this thought famous: Unknown Unknowns… (Click to read if you are interested.) You may remember it well, back in 2002, but do you remember that you knew it?

If I want to know it, and sometimes I do, then I research it. That often means someone else has wanted to know and published something about it. There’s a lot of weeding done in research. But I don’t need to tell anyone I found new data. Unless you’re interested and happened to ask, this unknown will remain unknown.

I woke at 5:35. Not unusual, but I wondered why. It’s nearly 2 hours later, and the day is slowly unfolding. It’s still dark. The dogs are quiet.

Did you need to know? Probably not. But as I write most mornings, some things I share are part of my inquisitive mind. These thoughts are with me right now.

  • Where does space end? No one knows. Until they do, and I hope there is an answer to my question.
  • In most relationships, I find I’m the one who always makes first contact and keeps the doors of communication open. It grows weary, and this burden is often heavy, but that’s who I am. Why am I this way? IDK.
  • As I age, I need more “me” time to do nothing more than what I want to do – which often means I need “alone” time. Quiet time. A good drive takes care of this need. Quiet truck time…

Finally, Bear barked at something in the dark. It’s not disturbing. He’s warning the errant somebody to become a nobody quickly. I’m learning to be thankful for barking dogs.

Thank you for reading.
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(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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