Math was not my forte
Ask any teacher from those pre-adult years.
But maybe that’s not true.
My entire life revolved around numbers.
Said calculations and manipulations
Was probably my weakest link
But put me into a spreadsheet moment
And I’ll use formulas galore to show results.
I’m so glad computers came around!
In fact, after a national testing score
Miserably presented as bad…
My counselor told me to stay away from careers
That focused on math skills I proved to be no good at.
Of course, I mostly skipped that section of the quiz.
Who cared what my score was – it didn’t prevent me from graduating.
But what did it do? Spurred me forward.
Over 37 programming languages,
Unquantifiable operating systems
From Keypunch to Cloud, I’ve used them all.
I conquered the careers I was told to flee from.
Banking. Computers. My focus in life.
So. Numbers became my forte.
The span between this and that,
Distances, hours, days, and times.
Calculating the spaces from start to finish.
With all that being said,
I usually celebrate my birthday quietly.
No party is required, nor gifts expected.
And if I eat cake, and I may,
Let it be Pineapple Upside Down.
Today. I’m 70 years old.
I pause and look at the line,
It doesn’t feel real,
I’m sure I don’t think like it.
Wait! What are we talking about?
I do enumerate the mobility issues
That crept in, almost unaware
During the latest decade of life left behind.
I incrementally view the pounds I’m working on shedding,
That thinning helmet of hair that’s been gray for years.
The speed at which my fingers still move over keyboards, yes, speedily.
Ohhh. A new wrinkle just appeared.
The miles I’ve driven through life,
From that 6-year-old view over the steering wheel,
With my truck still counting toward a million,
I need another 600,000.
The years of marriage, heading to 51…
The number of kids is just 2…
There are still challenges of learning and growing,
During the next 30 years of life.
Yes… I’m living until I reach 2055…
Don’t take one digit from me!
Catch my drift?
I’ll enjoy my day of numbers.
After all, life is full of them!
And they are important…
Every last digit of them.
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