Chrimas Star on a dark snow morning
Twas The Morning of Christmas

Yes. It’s the morning of the celebrated Christmas.
And all through this house…
Half of us are still sleeping,
Who cares about the mouse?

No tree. No decorations.
No carol bells are ringing.
Just another day? Perhaps.
But it is the day we celebrate.

There are no packages to tear open.
No glad tidings to give.
There’s nothing but a typical morning.
Oh, and a bomb cyclone is coming near.

I woke up thinking about this day.

We know it’s not “His” birth, but it’s the day chosen for us centuries ago, so we celebrate. Like most things we celebrate, which may have been days, weeks, and months in preparation, we name a day/date. And celebrate, we do!

Our nation’s Independence Day is July 4th, but the document was signed and ready a day or two earlier. Why wait? IDK. I don’t remember. VE, VJ, or Pearl. The particular day may not fit our schedule, but we memorialize and celebrate.

Other holidays have their traditions. Most are based on culture and the current politics of a season. They get anchored to a date to celebrate or remember. Or, as with Halloween, we temper the fear of the dead and dark, lonely streets with kids roaming house to house, threatening to trick if they don’t get a treat.

I’m not into celebrating birthdays. Why? That’s just me. Mine is the 13th??? Scary movies or Fridays lurk around, and I’m not scared at all – so why would I care? Anyway. Who would have chosen that number? It just happened, so I live with it! At least that first one was not on a Friday! I don’t even think about it when it does follow on a Friday! After all. It’s my birthday!

Over the nearly 40 years of preaching and teaching about this season, I’ve concluded this morning with a thought… Though I search for something unique and different to memorialize, there’s something special about today. Instead of reaching for unique thoughts, why not just go with it? Back up to the original story and think about it. The season. The history. The perfect timing of God.

Paul states it like this:

But when the fullness of the time had come,
God sent forth His Son,
born of a woman, born under the law,
to redeem those who were under the law,
that we might receive the adoption as sons.
(Galatians 4:4-5 NKJV)

Just Go With It

This promise was in the making for several thousands of our years.
It’s fulfilled in a way we may not understand and only read about.
Whatever your thoughts, this is the season.
Choose to just go with it.

There is no jolly gift-giving soul except for what you make of it.
As I heard recently, he’s not God, even though he distinguishes good and naughty …
But only in the children. Gulp.
Just go with it.

In too many homes, a tree has given its life for your celebration.
I’d much rather plant than cut, so I’m happy it’s not here.
But if you must, then do and at least show some respect.
Whatever. Just Go With It.

Many have no family to gather with, equal to Joseph and Mary.
If, during this season, you are reminded of another’s plot of life,
Perhaps you can make a special invite. Cookies. Hot Chocolate.
No big deal. Make someone feel special.
Just Go with It.

Many have no extra money to spend on anything. The times don’t allow it.
If I could redo earlier years, I would teach…
Give something you took time to create or make…
Just go with what you can and ignore the rest.

Take a break. Remember the reason.
It’s not about the date, nor is it this season.
It’s all about the promise and birth of a savior.
A redeemer comes to redeem.
You. Me. And all those others.
Just Read It… (Follow this link to Read Luke 2.)

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!