Man on a rock at end of day before the setting sun and a bay

Those niggling little thoughts
Creep in and don’t want to leave
You toss them around like luggage
Onto an Airport carousel…Begone!

But if they don’t quickly leave.
What on earth can you do?
It’s possible, and even probable,
You can unthink a thought.

I’ve learned to put these thoughts aside.
File 13, if you will.
By repeating a mantra that works.
“I’ll deal with you later on.”

And later never comes!

On the flip side,
And there is always another side.
The thought that comes on the fly
And later, you cannot recall it.

The moment the thought arrives
Give pause to your busy schedule,
Write it down, record an audio,
Do anything that makes it later available.

Of course, that doesn’t always mean
You’ll understand your notes or hints
But that’s a different problem
I lose my thoughts. and I needed this.

Yesterday, I had to pause for all the thoughts and words I presented. There was a feeling of inadequacy but also feelings of completion. Second-guessing myself is something I’ve always done.

I could have done it better.
If only I had said this instead of that.
What could I have done to be more impactful?
Well, why didn’t I do that?

This is not to say I didn’t do the best I could at the moment I did, but it will always be my thought… I’m sure I could have done better.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!