Planning your mission
What's Your Mission Plan?

Where do you start, if not at the beginning.
That point where you are, because you cannot start over.
There’s no way to let the past, prevent you from looking forward.
My starting point is definitely where I’m at. Right now.

Look at your feet.
Where are you, and ask, why am I here?
Now, look forward at where you think you want to go.
Move along that forward line. It’s not always straight forward.

Life is a series of ups and downs, left and right,
Two steps forward, and backward we slide.
But keeping our focus on the ending, I’ve often said,
It’s not just about the destination…It’s the journey we’re on.

I now wake up every morning with a starting point with my first step; either choose to make it my best
Or not; the starting point never changes.
But I do, and I can, the choice is mine.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!